Macron Wins French election – IOTW Report

Macron Wins French election

France rocked on election night as Macron triumph triggers angry clashes across nation

Just The News:
French President Emmanuel Macron claimed triumph over his conservative opponent Marine Le Pen, but this time, his margin of victory was smaller than in 2017.

With 97% of the results in, Macron has received 57% of the vote in Frances’ runoff election compared to Le Pen’s 43%, according to the French Interior Ministry.

In 2017, Macron won with 66% of the vote while Le Pen received 34%. 

The French president thanked his supporters, specifically those who voted for him out of dislike of Le Pen. She has been accused of being far-right for her views on immigration and other social issues.

“To those who voted for me, not to support my ideas but to block those of the extreme right, your vote obliges me. This evening, I am no longer the candidate of one camp, but the President of all,” he wrote on Twitter, as translated. more here

France: Emerging evidence of electoral fraud with voting slips for Marine Le Pen being unusable.

France rocked on election night as Macron triumph triggers angry clashes across nation

27 Comments on Macron Wins French election

  1. It’s not just us, it’s not just here. More Jack booted bull shit. How does she go from an overwhelming lead, 4 days ago, to losing. I’m sure the CIA had a big party afterwords.

  2. Macron: “This evening, I am no longer the candidate of one camp, but the President of all.”

    No, frog boy. You’re the president of only two camps: your own minions and the anti-Le Pen France haters who dislike you only slightly less than they dislike Le Pen. You should have a sign on your desk that constantly reminds you that out of every seven voters, three voted for your opponent.

  3. Read his wife’s wiki.

    Divorced with 3 kids at 40, hooks up with Macron, who is her daughter’s Classmate….

    Imagine your step daughter is your age.

    … and they have the balls make fun Banjo Music & Moonshine & Jada Pinket Smith.

  4. After five more years of Macron, France will look a lot more like all those former colonies than it does now. Want to see what millions of Third World Shitholers can do to a country? Are you curious about how they don’t enrich a great European culture? Want proof that multiculturalism is a death knell for civilized countries? Evidently, it has to get much worse before the French finally admit they’ve lost their country. Do they have to watch Notre Dame burn down a second time to wise up? Apparently.

  5. The system in France is that ballots are marked in a private booth then are inserted into an envelope by the individual voting. It’s a hand count.

    Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.

    Thank goodness we’ve got our upcoming election all squared away and on the straight and narrow. /s Predictions of retaking the House and Senate I fear are not based in reality. I just don’t see that being allowed to happen when the globalists are so close to toppling our nation.

  6. Whatever happens to France now, it’s all on the serfs. They had a chance to vote for someone different, but they didn’t. So they’ll get the same thing this time, as they had last time, and complain about it.
    FOR BEHOLD MY FIELD OF……you know the rest.

  7. I think the E.U. is kinda creepy , like a James Bond movie creepy . I don’t understand the upside to throwing your fate in with a bunch of other countries being dictated to by a bunch of unelected persons in Brussells . What is the upside to doing this . For the poorer less productive countries maybe it is the handouts , for the more productive countries it is like having in laws that constantly need help . I need to become more well read on this subject . On the surface I thought it was about easing trade amongst member countries but it seems to have become a lot more in pledges and commitments . I don’t want to visit , but I really think U.S. citizens should have visa free / restriction free travel to E.U. countries since we evidently provide quite a bit of support . I sure wanted to see LePen win over Macron .


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