Mad Max / Maxine Waters: ‘Donald Trump, I’m Coming For You’ – IOTW Report

Mad Max / Maxine Waters: ‘Donald Trump, I’m Coming For You’

OooOoOooh he’s scairt!

If you want to listen to  the female Al Sharpton ramble incoherently without pause, then click this link.
If you don’t, then stay here and do your own non-sensical Maxine impersonation.


30 Comments on Mad Max / Maxine Waters: ‘Donald Trump, I’m Coming For You’

  1. Donald Trump is the embodiliciousness of evil.
    He should be terminated. His firing of James Come was racist!
    If a white man fires another white man who was not fired by a black President (who can do no wrong) or a female who should have been President; that’s racist.
    Having a wife who is not butt ugly is sexist.
    Not being a woman who should have been President is sexist.
    Not being someone besides Trump is racist and sexist.
    We need another ‘rebellion’ in the streets to demonstrate that we are not going to accept his policies which are like a brick to the head of America in the intersection of life!

  2. She’s not smart enough to realize she’s going to be impeached herself. She is one of the most corrupt politician in DC and should have been convicted long ago. Trump is probably not real fond of this idiot and will nail her dumb ass the first chance he gets. It’s coming.

  3. oolook,
    I was in the fish section of a grocery store, and they were selling something called kingfish. I said aloud, “Well, Hel-LO dare!” but nobody around me caught the reference.

  4. For every new 30 seconds of airtime MaxiPad gets, another 20,000 lifelong Dems wake up and realize they are now orphaned Independent Voters.
    The Dems are now Zombie CPUSA, and MaxiPad, BLM, Perez-Ellison et al are busily announcing it 24/7.

    One quick IRS audit and MaxiPad will be facing Federal charges just like Corinne Brown.

    Whom the Gods would destroy, they offer a microphone.

    MAGA with a vengeance.

  5. The untranscribed portion of Maxine’s address:

    This is just like that movie, Sick Sense starring Willis, where that kid sees Russians everywhere. Whatchadoing Willis? I am looking for Russians everywhere – in the White House, in the Congress, everywhere but the Clinton Foundation ’cause everyone knows Hillary don’t know no Russians.

    And when we find the Russians, we’re gonna root them and their pals out of Washington. Except the communist ones – we like communists. And the ones with money – I like money. And the ones that gave money to Hillary, except I know we ain’t gonna find any of those. (Thanks, mainstream media).

  6. You know, that thing she does with her lips? I used to do that when I was 4 years old pretending to be all grown up.

    What’s MaxiPad (I’m stealing that) doing it for?

  7. Maxine’s a comin’ (Old Negro Spiritual song for children)

    She’ll be comin’ round the mountain when she comes

    She’ll be drivin’ six white horses when she comes (Hee Haw)

    Oh, we’ll all go out to meet her when she comes. (Hi Babe)

    She’ll be wearing red pajamas when she comes.

    She will have to sleep with Schumer when she comes (Snore)

    We’ll be singing Hallelujah when she comes.

    We’ll all have chicken and dumplings when she comes (Yum yum)


  8. “Maxine”

    you ain’t gotta put on that wig so tight


    You don’t gotta think too much tonight

    Maxineeeeeeee put on the wig too tight(Maxineeeeee)…put on the wig

    too tight( Maxineeee)

    I was woke since I met ya !

    Brain eating Zombies would forget ya!

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