The Lid: Some are born mad, some achieve madness, and some have madness thrust upon ’em. It doesn’t really matter which way she became nuts—Maxine Waters is just plain crazy.
On Wednesday, Maxine Waters, the California Democrat obsessed with impeachment and thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories involving Russia, issued a tweet full of lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories that bear absolutely no resemblance to the truth.
“Trump doesn’t care about the 80,000+ people who’ve died from #Coronavirus! He only wants to open up the economy so he can go back to having his white power pep rallies! The death & economic devastation we are facing is b/c Trump failed to act early & called #COVID19 a HOAX,” she screeched on Twitter. more here
uh … bedeep, bedeep, bedeep ………… that’s all, folks!
There are a few bats left in her belfry. She and Nancy are of the same mindset.
They both have cuckoo clocks in their office.
Yeah, that’s what I do, Mad Maxipad!
I go to the Homeless Despot, looking for a fucking tub-drain-and-overflow… and I hold a honkey-power, death-to-the-negroes- rally.
Fucking moron
That woman MW is poison to anyone who knows the look. I’ve come across females like her growing up in The Bronx in my life and know the hate is coming out of her pours. I see it and feel it. I won’t apologize but know she is a sick individual that hates so much it can’t be controlled. This is why I pray every day for this to stop. She makes me ill knowing how strong her hate is and can over take what we know is right and just. Prayers everyday to stop the hate!
God Bless us all!!!
If someone would get serious about my proposed bill, establishing a minimum I.Q. threshold for anybody running for office, we wouldn’t need to put up with this crap. Let’s face it, we’ve all seen dog turds that would edge Maxi Pad out on I.Q.
Uh Oh,
And Mad Maxi Pad wants all blacks unemployed so they’ll move back to the welfare plantation. (Will someone please read this for Max?)
Has this corrupt racist hag overdrawn her race card yet?
“I went out to get a fucking hamburger…”
Suddenly becomes, “)*^R%^%&Y*!!!”
“I REALLY just wanted some plumbing shit, a hamburger, and a fucking tomato plant.”
@ Extirpates
They both ARE cuckoo clocks. Actually, that’s giving them too much credit: At least cuckoo clocks serve a purpose.
I’d like to see someone pressure Maxine for a source of her information. Too much to ask for?
I mean she’s clearly not smart enough to come up with these accusations on her own, someone has to plant these ideas in her head. She should be held accountable for disseminating misinformation. Absolutely nothing she said in that tweet is grounded in any form of reality. Prove me wrong, Maxine.
How the hell does she get so much as 1 vote? It boggles the mind.
Hey Mary Hatch, you are all over That one down to a Tee, do you remember this self outing of her and Obama, in the same sentence?
DO you Mean the same look as Mike the lawyer? Uuh huh.
@Horatio Prim – notice at the 0:36 mark vid that you posted, thank you, what she wanted to say?
“and whoever…” Then she got interrupted.
What she was about to say? “And whoever…GETS IN THE WAY? We got them too, we have their (phone) numbers!” And movements.
Calling people like her crazy gives them an out.
They are evil. They seek only their own power and
use it to destroy everything good they can get to.
If it’s acceptable for her to say these things, then it’s acceptable for me to call them a bunch of fucking niggers.
CIA. All universal propaganda originates from a 3 letter deep state agency.
They pull the string on all the meat puppets like Mad Max and they all regurgitate the daily narrative word by word.
Many examples of this on you tube and interwebs. The CIA invented big tech, owns and controls big tech, big media, and the entertainment and academic complexes.
We have been spoon fed cabal garbage for so long most actually believe it is reality. Two parties of government is also an illusion. The Demonrats own everything by a 95% margin, and Rino’s are only tolerated as beards and useful idiots.
PDJT is the dragonslayer who is fighting this behemoth with the help of certain military patriots. The military is the only organization not 95% compromised.
Minimum I Q to vote also Bad_Brad. As George Carlin said (sorta) “Imagine the average I Q person and realize that half the country is dumber than him.”
When yer as dumb as a hammer, everything looks like a nail!
Bad_Brad – Add drug testing and background checks to that, just like everywhere else!
mad maxine is apparently color blind
she only sees in black and white!!!!!
Her ravings are calculated to inflame her mindless followers to violence.
She isn’t dumb.
She isn’t stupid.
She isn’t insane.
She is an evil, calculating racist.
She has amassed $Millions being an evil, calculating racist.
She should be neither underestimated nor ignored.
She trods the bones of hundreds of thousands of infants and sucks the marrow from the bones of her followers.
izlamo delenda est …
All this dredging up of slavery and oppression is tiresome. Black people are free to do anything white people can do. Go to school, open a business, vote, run for office, find a good job, engage in political debate, eat unhealthy food or not….etc. etc.
If you include walking down the street at midnight in Chicago’s South Side, they have more freedom that white people.
Ghettos: wake up, or die in a ghetto.
She’s like a crooked preacher stealing the donations.