Maddow Draws the Ire of the Stone Cold Leftist – IOTW Report

Maddow Draws the Ire of the Stone Cold Leftist


MSNBC’s Ricky Maddow began explicitly linking DJT to classic fascism as early as 2015 and has notoriously spent the last four years manically obsessed with Moonbat Crazy claims like DJT has such a corrupt relationship with Vladimir Putin that it is the Kremlin which secretly runs the U.S. and is using that power to plot harm to large numbers of Americans by seizing the power to cut off their heat in the dead of winter and other assorted crazy.  
Yet upon learning that the fascist, Kremlin-controlled, Nazi-like dictator had become ill, Maddow launched a one-woman crusade suggesting that her fans and fellow liberals pray earnestly for his recovery. She first posted an extremely effusive tweet:

“God bless the president and the first lady. If you pray, please pray for their speedy and complete recovery…”

Presumably in response to widespread liberal confusion and criticisms — wait, you spent four years telling us he’s a fascist racist Nazi-like despot and now you insist that we pray for his health?  more

17 Comments on Maddow Draws the Ire of the Stone Cold Leftist

  1. Sounds like Madcow’s about a quart low on her Leftist hate venom. She needs to have Nancy Pelosi top it off for her. Then she’ll be back to his/her old self again.

  2. racist madcow:

    .a real nazi named a. hitler invited the virulently anti-semitic “grand mufti” of jerusalem to berlin sometime around ww2, much like the baby-killer d-suckers invited ellison, grobama, rat-s**ta tlaib & ilhan omar/blows-more into your party in recent years.

    .real nazis also instituted gun control as a means of murdering the Jewish population of europe, same as your idol sniffer-joe & the skate-board asshole from el paso want to install in America.

  3. Because when you think someone is litteraly Hitler, you pray for their speedy recovery. Glenn Greenwald wrote a whole article on this yesterday.


    Trump just said no more stimulus negotiations because the dems want to bail out dem states and cities with it. The stock mkt plunged. This is a very strong and correct move by Trump, yet still meaningless. Because if the federal gov’t doesn not bail out the states, the federal reserve will. WE, the citizens, will pay for those fucking libtards one way or another and there is nothing we can do about it.

    The last time Trump said he would not bail out minneapolis request to have the federal gov’t pay for it, the federal reserve announced two days later they were making their credit facilities to states and cities ‘more generous’.

    The federal reserve, if the federal gov’t does not bail out liberal states, will loan liberal states as much money as they want and the money will never be paid back. It will just be another debasement of the dollar bills in your and my wallet.


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