Maddow & MSNBC Hosts Hit with $30 Million Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Maddow & MSNBC Hosts Hit with $30 Million Lawsuit

Rachel Maddow and some of her fellow MSNBC hosts have just been hit with a massive lawsuit after they smeared on a doctor on air, whom they dubbed the “uterus collector.”

10 Comments on Maddow & MSNBC Hosts Hit with $30 Million Lawsuit

  1. No surprise here. The leftist media doesn’t care about integrity, truth, facts or reality. As long as a story fits their narrative and excites their sycophants they do not care. Their followers do not check the veracity of what they expound, why should they?

  2. Madcow is paid 30 million per year for a 1-day per week show barely anyone watches. Don’t tell me government money isn’t being used to fund leftist shit like her.


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