Madeleine Albright Has Died – IOTW Report

Madeleine Albright Has Died

The Sun:
Madeleine Albright dead at 84: Former Secretary of State passes away after cancer battle.

The family confirmed her tragic passing in a statement on Wednesday.

“We are heartbroken to announce that Dr Madeleine K Albright, the 64th US Secretary of State and the first woman to hold that position, passed away earlier today,” the statement read. more

36 Comments on Madeleine Albright Has Died

  1. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MARCH 23, 2022 AT 3:02 PM
    “Who knew SNS had succinct in him?”.
    …her whole life isn’t worth more than that.

    If I could do her eulogy, that’s what I’d say

    And no bagpipes, but maybe a kazoo or slide whistle to commemorate her slide into hell…

  2. “We are heartbroken to announce that Dr Madeleine K Albright, the 64th US Secretary of State and the first woman to hold that position, passed away earlier today,” the statement read.
    We are more grateful than ever for the protection vaccines can provide against serious illness. Please get vaccinated and boosted if you haven’t already!

  3. How did they know she was a woman?
    Hasn’t all of that changed now, thanks to the non-biologist Supreme Court nominee, old whats-her-name?
    I’m too uninterested to figure out her name.

  4. Well, the dislike shown in these comments is appalling to me as they reflect the fact that Ms. Albright lived to die of old age rather than a deserved kidnap and torture involving honey, a bear and two hogs..she lied about not knowing she was Jewish because she hated Jews but mostly , hated Serbs…more than anyone, she backed the bombing, the death and the destruction of everything Serb..she delighted in her power to rain death upon Serbs and extolled Islam and the Kosovo Muslims who murdered Serbs until they struck back and caught the eye of evil..”filthy Serbs” she said while promoting her book of lies while in Prague….Bigotry and racism incarnate thanks to Hillary and Bill.

  5. Considering everyone interviewed, boasted of her being the first woman secretary of State, an act she had little say in, as she was born that way. Illustrates how little she really accomplished.

  6. I may not like her but she died from cancer just like my wife did and I won’t say ill of her for that. Maybe everything else, I don’t wish cancer on anyone including my enemies. And another friend just lost his wife of 45 years or so last Friday from cancer. Cancer sucks.

  7. This is horrible news, my oncologist sent her a referral to her for me, said she was super smart, smart like Jill Biden. By the way, I have fond memories of of a cheerleader named Jill from high school, she had Kamala skills.

  8. Helen Thomas has some real competition now for her title of “Top Clock Stopper.”

    If there’s any justice in Hell, we won’t get another Secretary Of State who is a “Top Cock Stopper.”


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