Madman or Ultimate Troll? – IOTW Report

Madman or Ultimate Troll?

Back in 1991, someone posing as a PR person, John Miller, called WAPO to give them inside details about the Trump/Marla Maples/Carla Bruni story.

That “someone” sounds an awful lot like Trump. I can say emphatically it is Trump.

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The absolute funny part of this story is that the original reporter on the tape with Trump has just revealed that no one else on earth could have released this tape except one other person — Donald Trump. She says she hasn’t seen the tape in 25 years, having lost it.

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The absolute scary part of this story is that Trump denies it’s him on the tape. He should just admit that it’s him making fools of the media, controlling the narrative, controlling the horizontal, controlling the vertical.

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Is Donald Trump the ultimate troller of the media?

By the way. When is the media going to start pawing over 25 year old stories about Hillary Clinton? They are a lot more “interesting” than Trump trolling the media back in the day.

32 Comments on Madman or Ultimate Troll?

  1. I don’t believe her. Reporters just don’t lose tapes of famous people, they keep it in a safe place – like a bank vault. She’s not telling the truth. But at this point who cares? Seriously? Believe what a reporter says?

  2. I think the only minor stumble in this story is that Trump just didn’t say, “yep, that’s me playing you idiots.”

    But, who am I to say he’s handling this wrong?
    He’s better at this than I am!

    I don’t say “madman” by the way.
    I say he is a master troller.

  3. Oh my God, this is it, absolutely, positively, with out a doubt, no question, guaranteed, proof positive, in fact the smoking gun, the final straw, the turning point, the last good bye, the final nail in the coffin, tits up, laid to rest, six feet under, on the wrong side of the grass, the death spiral, spinning out of control and up in flames. At long last we can definitively rid ourselves of The Donald, HE IS DONE!!!!! RIP.

  4. @Vietvet,

    Is America poised to elect the first psycho President in the history of the United States?

    Really? Where have you been? You sound like a bitter progressive.

    BHO is a classic psychopathic narcissist. Bill Clinton is a classic sociopath.

    Try googling both terms. The Wikipedia entry for psychopathic narcissist has gone through an evolution of censorship the past 6 years, probably because the original entry, listing all the malignant traits, aligned so well with BHO’s personality and behavior.

    “When the egocentricity, lack of empathy, and sense of superiority of the narcissist cross-fertilize with the impulsivity, deceitfulness, and criminal tendencies of the antisocial, the result is a psychopath, an individual who seeks the gratification of selfish impulses through any means without empathy or remorse.”

    “The causes of psychopathic narcissism are not known for certain. It is largely considered to be a myriad of areas working together involving early childhood trauma, as well as child-rearing and biological aspects. Psychologists have theorized that severe traumas during the early years can prompt children to create a way of coping, developing another reality in which they maintain control. Physical or sexual abuse and emotional neglect, especially extreme cases, are thought to be examples of direct primary causes.”

    And that isn’t even a half of it.

  5. Gotta say, Vietvet, I cringed when you said “first” psycho president.

    You were teeing yourself up for that one (for anyone that doesn’t understand you, that is.)
    I know you’re a reluctant Trump voter, and you understand a Hillary presidency is poison.

  6. Let me explain how Trump put legs on this story.

    If he had admitted he was the voice on the phone, the story would instantly be buried. ONE: because he was honest (gasp!) and TWO: because he punked the media.

    By his lying, this story grows like Topsy.

    Don’t be surprised if this isn’t a plot straight out of THE STING.

    Or, in Hillary’s case (movie hint) THE STINK. 🙂

  7. My, my, my. What it must feel like to be pwn’d by someone who is not among the usual suspects — gov’t, media, pols and other carnival barkers.

    For me, this fight goes way beyond #NeverHillary. She merely one on the list of America’s enemies.

  8. So, 25 years ago Trump trolled the media into helping him with his image after his divorce.

    Over the last couple of days the media have been talking about Trump not releasing his taxes. Trump releases this and guess what they aren’t talking about anymore.

    Genius then, Master now.

  9. I had inadvertently tuned to Medved yesterday, and couldn’t get the station changed for five minutes because of what I was involved with. Medved was hammering criticism of Trump for the tape and then proceeded to Trump’s affair with the former French president’s lady. All those in the never Trump got got.

    In order to really punk someone extremely well, you need an HUGEly, uncommonly developed sense of humor, an I.Q. over the top, honesty (no hidden skeletons in the closet) and a focus on the goal.

    I love it Mr. President. This will be the ride of a lifetime, and I can’t wait to see what you will do for the convention and the country.

  10. @Mortgages for the Masses: Firstly, just because a person fits the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder does not mean that he or she is also a psychopath.


    Secondly, the dictionary defines psychopath as “a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior”. I doubt if any former or current President truly fits that description, not even Obama.

    Here’s more information, if you’re interested.

    Thirdly, go back and read BFH’s comment. Then look up the definition of “sarcasm”.



  11. Once, when Michael Dukakis was gov of Massachusetts, I “came by” some gold-embossed private governor’s stationery. I used a sheet to write a glowing letter of my attributes to my husband-to-be and warning him to “treat me right.”

    I signed the letter “Mike.”

    The poor man gulped, stunned. What can I say? It was fun. …smile… …Lady in Red

    PS: *I* was flabbergasted the man believed, even for a moment, that the letter was real. But, I was flattered that he did.

  12. @ LIR

    Love it. I would have jumped at the chance to do same in similar circumstances.

    p.s. Ever play the role of fake mafia princess? My sister did, and carried it off real well – managed to punk mafia little guys.

  13. As Sylvia implies, in another day or so, Trump may “remember” that the voice, perhaps, could have been him….? Ah, it was soooo long ago! ….smile…
    ….Lady in Red
    PS: Nah, I never played mafia princess, Plain Jane, but I adored Hit Girl in “Kick Ass” …..esp when she swings through the window into the drug den packed with thugs and says, “Ok, cunts. Let’s see what you’ve got…” I can dream…. ….smile.

  14. “Phase 2, the pre-planned Trump flameout/implosion begins.”

    I predict some here will be writing this same stuff 4 years from now when Trump runs for his second term.

  15. I listened to Trump’s “denial”. He said “it sure doesn’t sound like me” and “I don’t think it’s me”. In the interview I heard, I don’t believe he ever categorically denied it was him on the recording. So glad the press is all over this major story, meanwhile Hillary continues to escape any scrutiny over her many, many lies.

  16. To the few remaining angry, spiteful, selfish, pathetic, petulant children who continue your failed attempts to malign our GOP nominee, Donald Trump. You had TEN MONTHS to bring this man down. You spewed the most voluminous amount of hate and blatant lies towards a Republican presidential candidate in U.S. history AND YOU FAILED! So, here’s the new REALITY. We rational, mature, adult Conservatives who actually WANT TO WIN will SUPPORT our nominee no matter HOW MUCH longer you CONTINUE to HELP the Godless, amoral institutional Left and the treasonous GOP establishment by attacking him. We Do NOT CARE about some phone call he allegedly made 25 years ago or some scorned woman he dated decades ago. We don’t give a DAMN if Mr. Trump suddenly suffers a mental breakdown and is prescribed a Lithium drip (which would only be caused by the incredible STRESS he has endured over the last 10 months). Even in THAT condition Mr. Trump would be an INFINITELY better choice than that serial lying, polyester abusing, pant-suit stretching, Benghazi hero abandoning, felonious Commie, Hillary Clinton and the Godless, evil, institutional Left that supports her. DEFEATING her and THEM is ALL that matters anymore. Period.

  17. I’m just going to mention my observation that, as someone drowning in associations with lefties, I sense they are beginning to resign themselves to a Trump presidency. The dread lays heavily upon them. All the news is Trump (just as all the news was Obama), their candidates are nowhere to be seen. They see the writing on the wall. After what they’re put us through, I eagerly await their coming agony.

  18. Thanks, MJA. As you know, it’s getting very hard to try to make any humorous comments here without all the rabid Trump or Cruz fanatics, etc. taking you seriously and getting all butt-hurt about it. Of course, it’s nothing compared to all the flak that BFH takes, regardless of what he says. I honestly don’t know how he puts up with it.

    My final comment on this subject: You people need to save up all your bile and hatred and direct it at our true enemies, not at each other. But I believe that has been said before to no avail, hasn’t it?

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