Madonna Hospitalized and Intubated in ICU After Being Found Unresponsive Due to “Serious Bacterial Infection” – IOTW Report

Madonna Hospitalized and Intubated in ICU After Being Found Unresponsive Due to “Serious Bacterial Infection”

GP: Pop icon Madonna was rushed to New York City hospital on Saturday after being found unresponsive at her residence, Page Six reported.

On Wednesday, the 64-year-old artist’s longtime manager, Guy Oseary, issued a statement on Instagram saying that the star had been hospitalized for days due to a serious bacterial infection.

“On Saturday June 24, Madonna developed a serious bacterial infection which lead to a several day stay in the ICU,” according to the post.

“Her health is improving, however she is still under medical care. A full recovery is expected. more here

32 Comments on Madonna Hospitalized and Intubated in ICU After Being Found Unresponsive Due to “Serious Bacterial Infection”

  1. Christianity is not based on hate – it’s exactly the opposite.

    Anyone can repent and be accepted into Heaven – anyone.

    I don’t believe she will repent, but it’s not up to my belief.

  2. Did she get an infection from one too many Botox or filler shots to her once glamorous face? Love or hate her she was a hottie back in the day. It’s sad that she has destroyed her looks and possibly her health in a pointless quest to preserve her youth.

    My MIL got a bacterial infection last summer from a cortisone shot in her knee. Two surgeries later, 3 weeks in the hospital and a month in a rehab facility-she made it but barely.

    Who knows, maybe Madonna did something as simple as that so she could dance better in her upcoming tour and…🤷‍♀️

  3. I’da thought she’d be immune to everything by now … she’s a walking petri-dish.

    At any rate, that’s one tough bacteria to make it through those defenses.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Rich Taylo:

    Wasn’t Madonna the one that offered to give everyone a blowjob that voted for Obama?

    And he still won, go figure.

    Rich, it’s not all that common that comments make me literally laugh out loud, but yours did it deliciously! Thanks!

  5. Will she be scared enough to change her ways? She’s a denier of Christ, and according my to Bible. “They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate” (Titus 1:16). Therefore, the reprobate mind is one that is corrupt and worthless. She’s a failure, she’ll burn a little more than others.

  6. As a Christian, we can have a measure of where a person stands with God.

    Romans 1:28 “Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.”

    But we must be careful, for we can’t see into a person’s heart.

    Example: Do you think this verse applies to someone who hunts down Christians to murder them?

    If so, you just ‘condemned’ the most prolific apostle who wrote much of the New Testament.

    I will still pray for Madonna.

  7. BUBBA at 9:11 am

    She has a STD.

    She is an STD. Those jabs finally caught up with her. Maybe she4’ll get that “stiff person” disease along wit6h it. Poor Celine is stiff as a board. Is that where the term came from “he’s a walking stiff?” Madonna is 64 — almost to Medicare age.

  8. Hold on, I know what’s going on here.

    Taylor Swift made the same deal Madonna did to be the biggest thing ever, and she’s doing two huge concerts this weekend.

    Madonna is still very useful to the devil, has brought him millions of souls, and he likes to screw his young, dumb minions like Talyor Swift over anyway. It’s kind of his “thing”.

    So the devil is discorporating Madonna’s evil blackened soul to put it in Taylor Swift, then put Taylor Swift’s soul in Pedo Joe’s CPAP so he can torment her with endless sniffing.

    See how much MORE whorish TS’s behavior gets to see if I’m right in future.

  9. I saw her in a video a couple years ago. She was bare-cheeked and swaying her ass back and forth as she walked to the rear of the stage.

    Who could possibly be aroused by the old bag’s ass? A 15 year old boy or a horny old man. That’s about it.

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