Maduro of Venezuela says he’s lifting power rationing – IOTW Report

Maduro of Venezuela says he’s lifting power rationing

FOXVenezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says he is lifting electricity rationing that began more than two months ago because a drought had caused low water levels at the hydroelectric dam that provides most of the country’s power.

Maduro announced that beginning Monday the government will no longer cut off electricity to much of the country for four hours a day. Only the capital of Caracas and four other states had been spared from the power cuts that were instituted April 25.

Officials had previously reported that a resumption of rain was improving the water level behind the Guri dam, which produces 60 percent of Venezuela’s electricity. On June 14, the government ended a two-day work week for civil workers ordered for power conservation and it suspended power cuts on weekends.


9 Comments on Maduro of Venezuela says he’s lifting power rationing

  1. Hell, why not lift power rationing it’s not as if there is anything to cook. At some point there will be another revolution and Maduro is going to be hanging from a tree. There is nothing so fanatical as the people ending up with even less under the revolutionaries that promised them so much which is usually how socialist revolutions end up.

  2. Maduro evidently thinks you can play a country record backwards and get your house back, your dog back, your best friend Jack back, your truck back, your hair back… Maybe if he brings toilet paper back the food will just magically come back too!
    This Progressive/Socialist/Communist asshole doesn’t have a fucking clue.
    Meanwhile we’re slouching towards Venezuela.

  3. Venezuela has vacillated between crony mercantilism and crony socialism for decades. I’m guessing (have no knowledge) that their “educational” system keeps the vast majority dumber than oysters and “gun control” is the law of the land.

    izlamo delenda est …

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