MAGAnomics – Walgreens Announces $150 Million Payroll Wage Increase in FY 2019 – IOTW Report

MAGAnomics – Walgreens Announces $150 Million Payroll Wage Increase in FY 2019


CTH: For more than three decades all U.S. economic policy was elevating Wall Street and diminishing Main Street. As a result the middle America blue-collar workers have not had wage gains keeping up with inflation for over 30 years… Then came the era of Trump.

MAGAnomic policy is based around a very simple free-market process.  Increase domestic economic investment; expand new business and expansion in existing business; that expands the need for employment; drive those jobs, jobs, jobs and watch wages rise naturally as employers compete over an increasingly valuable labor pool.

Business Insider – The pharmacy-chain owner Walgreens Boots Alliance announced Thursday that it will make investments of about $150 million to boost mainly its in-store wages in fiscal 2019 in wake of President Donald Trump’s tax reforms.  MORE HERE

1 Comment on MAGAnomics – Walgreens Announces $150 Million Payroll Wage Increase in FY 2019

  1. We are extremely fortunate to witness the beginnings of the Democrat party’s demise. The organization as it is today is too dirty, corrupt, stupid, ignorant, constitutionaly uninformed and completely uninterested in the welfare of the United States. As far as their idiotic new candidates go, I’ve heard enough. Any candidates for national office should given a mandatory exam on their knowledge of the Constitution, and pass it, before running. Otherwise Congress will fill up even worse dopes than we have nowl.


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