Maher rips Dems, says “We suck the fun out of everything: Halloween, the Oscars, childhood, Twitter, comedy” – IOTW Report

Maher rips Dems, says “We suck the fun out of everything: Halloween, the Oscars, childhood, Twitter, comedy”

When he says, “We”, he doesn’t really mean himself included.

News Thud:
Friday, Bill Maher ripped Democrats on his HBO show, saying they “suck the fun out of everything.”

“Once upon a time the right were the ones offended by everything,” Maher said. “They were the party of speech codes and blacklists and moral panics and demanding some TV show had to go.”

“Well now that’s us. We’re the fun-suckers now. We suck the fun out of everything: Halloween, the Oscars, childhood, Twitter, comedy,” he added. more here

11 Comments on Maher rips Dems, says “We suck the fun out of everything: Halloween, the Oscars, childhood, Twitter, comedy”

  1. Heh Bill, you forgot Xmas, and freedom to worship God. Your ilk are the antiChrist. Communism is the antiChrist and your party fulfills the description.

  2. Yeah, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
    He says stuff like this every few weeks just to pander.
    Stop giving him the attention he wants.

  3. They all take after Karl Marx, whose sense of humor was about the same as an old maid librarian or a dead undertaker.

    He told one “joke” in his entire life: “I’ve got the Engels, and Engels has the curves”. Nobody laughed but Engels.

  4. Breaking News: LA Sheriff’s Investigators raided Bill Maher’s house on a tip, confiscated 3 laptops, and found child porno on them, all involving young females, some as young as 5, sucking on Bill’s sausage nose. He told them that its a traditional Eastern European sign of good luck for young girls to do that.

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