Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tweets Support for Colin Kaepernick – IOTW Report

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tweets Support for Colin Kaepernick

Breitbart: Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took to Twitter on Monday, to lend support to anthem-protesting former quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

Ahmadinejad served as Iran’s president from 2005-2013. During that time he ruthlessly suppressed all political opposition. Most notably in 2009, when he oversaw the murder and incarceration of thousands who protested his contested reelection.

Colin Kaepernick has not played football since the 2016 season, and even then, he wasn’t one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. In fact, Kaepernick lost his starting job to journeyman quarterback Blaine Gabbert just prior to the start of that season.  read more

25 Comments on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Tweets Support for Colin Kaepernick

  1. All Nike has to do now is throw a couple of insults PDT’s way and they’ve won the Trifecta.

    Full disclosure: I am not now, nor ever have been, a Nike shareholder. Thank heaven.

  2. Naturally
    Colonoscopy Paperdick
    will accept the unqualified endorsement of an
    Universally known terrorist murderer
    Just because Dinner Jacket hasn’t been prosecuted
    In no way absolves his criminality.
    If Kuffar behaved the same as Moslems,
    There’d be a worldwide warrant for his being
    Gunned down on sight.

  3. Just a hunch but I think Nike has just reduced their market share by around 90%.
    serves the assholes right for trying to make a political statement instead of selling overpriced tennis shoes. Businesses should exist to sell not preach.

  4. In our cronyism and deceit era, the upper management of every American company has been infested with shit-for-brains MBAs.

    They have no clue. None have worked their way up in business, they have no ‘common sense’. Instead, they are full of themselves and the garbage their business schools filled their heads with in return for that over-priced tuition.

    There will be many Nike, Dicks, ESPN, even NFL-sized faceplants.

    It is a great opportunity for businesses who choose to operate without their heads up their ass.

  5. And today, Levi’s is joining the Get Woke, Go Broke chorus by pushing some gun control nonsense.

    I’m old enough, I can remember when Leftists said corporations did not have speech rights.

    Suddenly, Corporate Fascism is in vogue.


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