Maine: Governor building ‘Taj Mahal’ illegal alien homeless shelters – IOTW Report

Maine: Governor building ‘Taj Mahal’ illegal alien homeless shelters

(The Center Square) — Republican lawmakers in Maine are accusing Democratic Gov. Janet Mills of secretly paying for housing and other public benefits for migrants as part of an underhanded effort to boost the state’s population.

“It’s really striking to me that the folks in rural Maine are being told to do more with less, meanwhile Taj Mahals are being built for other folks in more urban places that aren’t even Maine residents, Maine citizens,” said Senate Majority Leader Trey Stewart, R-Aroostook.

The GOP lawmakers say state figures show more than $33 million from the state’s Emergency Housing Relief Fund, which pays for homeless shelters, has been used to provide housing for migrants. That’s about 63% of the money spent out of the relief fund and includes more than $1 million to provide legal assistance for asylum seekers, they said. more here

9 Comments on Maine: Governor building ‘Taj Mahal’ illegal alien homeless shelters

  1. The housing companies such as Avesta are getting rich building subsidized housing.
    They come right out and announce the housing will only be for the African illegals.
    I contacted HUD last year when the first one was announced.
    They said because I am not personally being discriminated against they won’t even look into it.
    Janet Mills and the Soros funded fat liberal women of the Maine Legislature are busy developing an “Office of New Americans” (gag) to help usher in 75,000 more illegals to the state.
    Our population is 1.3 million in a state large enough to fit all the other 5 New England states inside of.
    Our largest city, Portland, is 65,000.
    The first excuse was that Maine is too white.
    You know, because blacks aren’t allowed to live where they want. The leftists need to make them go unwhite places.
    She did away with time limits on welfare and so too many young white men are staying home with their baby mommas.
    So now she can say the illegals are needed for the workforce.
    The majority of the Africans don’t work. The ones who do, work minimum wage jobs so maintain the welfare on top of all the ngo money.
    If they show up to work, they spend most of their time on the phone and ignoring their jobs.
    You should see the atm’s at the first of the month.
    When their ebt cards are refilled they crowd around the atm and withdraw as much cash as they can. In Maine you can use ebt cards to buy anything.
    The public library in Portland is taken over every weekday by the African men.
    All 3 floors.
    They drive nice cars even though they aren’t legally allowed to have driver licenses.

    We were invaded by liberals from big cities escaping crowded areas. They were afraid of living in densely populated cities during the coof.
    Now they vote and they’ve driven the state with the help of Janet Millstone into the toilet.

    Here’s just a bit of what Mills has done to the state:

    Legalized assisted suicide
    Legalized killing babies up to the moment before birth
    Legalized recreational pot and now working on legalizing hallucinogenic mushrooms
    Pushes trans mutilations
    Higher taxes
    An invasion of illegals who make about $65,000 per year on welfare and get free medical care on top of it
    I could go on but this list is too long already.
    For the first time we are seriously talking about leaving Maine when Mr Beachmom retires in a few yrs.

  2. Stealing taxpayer money and distributing it among her largest donors and illegals. Obviously a subscriber to the WEF agenda to destroy the country and corrupt to the core. Those who support her and others like her are contributing to their own demise, hastening the collapse of America and are certainly not friends of normal Americans. Amazing that we have allowed it to get to this point without any real resistance. Most likely it’s too late to save the country as so-called conservative politicians feed at the same trough as liberals. Voting won’t help. True conservative states must come together and devise ways to resist the tyranny that is DC. Unfortunately, those in hard left states have no choice but to move away fro the insanity.

  3. Hey, it’s non-citizens first and US citizens last (whether taxpayer, veteran, or down-on-your-luck). That’s the rule of the Demoncrat party. After all, they aren’t making enough demoncrat voters the natural way. Got to bribe non-citizens to vote all they can (that’s okay if it’s illegal, once the Demoncrat is declared the winner no court will over throw the election.

  4. That governor is Mainely Nuts. She must be from Skowhegan, perhaps the smelliest town in America. You have to hold your nose as you drive through it which I have done twice, as a passenger, in 1958 and 1963. All smell is due to that governor, I believe.

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