Maine Hospital Gives Dire Warning About Healthcare Services if Forced to Fire Un-vaccinated Workers – IOTW Report

Maine Hospital Gives Dire Warning About Healthcare Services if Forced to Fire Un-vaccinated Workers

– Dem Governor Says Let Your Hospital Patients Die We Ain’t Changing

30 Comments on Maine Hospital Gives Dire Warning About Healthcare Services if Forced to Fire Un-vaccinated Workers

  1. Traveling RRTs and Nurses are getting 120 dollars, and more, an hour these days. Not because of Kung flu, but because the their home state hospitals fired most of them for not being jabbed.

    And strangely the “travelers” are largely granted exemptions from the fake vaxx dictates.

    The cunt in Maine will figure it out some day, even if the cunt figures it out in hell.

  2. “…the their…”

    When I’m serious I blunder what the hell I’m typing.

    When I’m just being a dickhead I type without error.


    I apologize.

  3. In a twist on an old saying: You should make a plan to kill every single leftist you know, just in case you have no other choice. These cunts are beyond the fucking pale now. If they could put us in death camps, the absolutely would.

  4. The suffering and death of constituents doesn’t seem to have been an obstacle to them so far. How many hundreds of thousands would have been saved if access to early treatment or a prophylaxis was allowed? How many will they have killed, tortured and maimed with their vaccine mandate?

    As soon as HCQ was demonized, it became obvious that this was never about the public’s health.

    I am not trying to minimize the disease. It has been bad, but it has surely been made much worse by policy. I am not an anti-vaxxer, but these are not conventional or tested vaccines. Those who have played this russian roulette and won, though not always unscathed, have been copping an attitude. Whatever. I hope they enjoy their semiannual untested boosters. They will remain a primary reservoir of the disease, and its mutation — and continue to risk illness and death — until a truly safe and effective vaccine is developed.

    If the health authorities had been honest and forthright from the beginning, I think things would have turned out much different — maybe better, maybe worse. Unfortunately, health authorities are trained to lie to the public in these situations. It is the default protocol. We cannot be trusted to understand the complexities of the situation and act for the public good rather than our own. It has become evident that they are incapable as well.

  5. There are Austin Powers memes of Herr General Mills all over in ME.
    She has driven the state, with the help of leftists running both houses of the legislature and spineless R’, into the ground.
    She kept things here shut down until just a few months ago. She’s vindictive as all get out.
    Even went as far as opening one courthouse to bring Rick Savage to court for not complying. She weaponized health inspectors to harass him every week.
    She refused covid relief to business owners who took part in a lawsuit against her. I know one personally.
    She has brought thousands of illegals from Africa and is now bringing Afghanis and Haitians in.
    We now have more people on welfare, social security and unemployment than we do working.

    2000 health care workers have filed suit against her.
    The problem is she was the AG and knows all the judges.
    Her job as AG was to represent the state but she used her position to sue LePage and try to stop everything he was doing.
    LePage left us with a huge surplus, a nice big rainy day fund and paid off the hospital debt that had accumulated over years of bad guvs and saved the teachers’pension fund. All without raising taxes.
    General Mills spent it all and more.
    She spent the last year petitioning the feds to be allowed to spend covid money any way she wanted.

    Ya. She’s a real winner.

  6. She must be arrested for either/and premeditated murder, criminal negligence, and violating the Nuremberg Code. What the hell is wrong with these Dem psychopaths?

    Maybe she’ll wake up if she, or one of her family members, (if they exist) wind up at the hospital’s emergency room.

    This is the same action as condemning her constituents to the Dachau gas chambers.

  7. You think General Mills is something?
    She appointed Dr. Shah Na Na from IL as our CDC Director.
    He was responsible for deaths in IL when he kept an outbreak of Legionnaire’s Disease under wraps and a lot of people died.
    He is now being sued or something because lawyers have been questioning him.
    He’s a liar and a hack.

    Plus we have about 60 politicians in this state who are owned by G. Soros.
    Maine is a cheap date and so he pumps money in here.
    For what he can do in other states for multi millions he can do here for a few hundred thousand.

  8. Mao was willing to lose 10% of China to enact his programs. Bill Ayers, who mentored BrObama, once said that he would expect to lose half of the United States population.

    As we saw in Libya, the Dems don’t care how many people have to die for them to gain the power they crave

  9. Pol Pot murdered about 1 million.
    Hitler murdered about 15 million.
    Stalin murdered about 30 million.
    Mao murdered about 100 million.

    As written above, the nihilists have NO COMPUNCTION regarding murder.

    izlamo delenda est …


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