Maine overwhelmed by illegal aliens – IOTW Report

Maine overwhelmed by illegal aliens

Frontpage: The alien invasion across America’s porous southern border has turned every state into a border state – and every Fake News editor into an agent and a cheerleader for a foreign occupation army.

Here in Maine, 2400 miles northeast of the Texas border, we are the final destination for thousands of illegal immigrants who are being resettled here at taxpayer expense, to the applause of all the really smart people in both political parties.

When I attempted a few weeks ago to push back against a fellow Republican’s praise for the invasion and the invaders, I was confronted once again by the cowardice and ignorance that are the rule rather than the exception in Maine’s lamestream newsrooms.

My dealings with the imbeciles who work in these propaganda mills often remind me of the cheering that erupts at Trump rallies when The Donald derides the Fake News media as the enemies of the American people.

Trump’s characterization fits the Kennebec Journal in Augusta, Maine, and its editorial page editor Ben Bragdon, to a tee. In fact, Ben’s loathing for his native country is so deep-seated he’s convinced himself that the burst of inflation we’re experiencing is the result of TOO FEW immigrants coming to America. more

24 Comments on Maine overwhelmed by illegal aliens

  1. There are some situations and behaviors where Zero Tolerance is the proper approach. Treasonous propagandizing newspaper editors are on that list, along, of course, with treasonous govt officials. I’d settle for deportation if we can’t come up with a more long-lasting solution.

  2. A house infested with rats, mice, cockroaches, and other vermin soon becomes unlivable.
    We need to call the exterminator.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We have also been invaded by out of state leftists.
    They come here with tons of money and big city teacher’s pensions. They live near the beaches and vote D without looking at policy and the run for office. They’ve made local and state govt so bloated with new committees and endless special sessions the positions are just about full time jobs. Locals need to work. As it is our avg income is only $50,000.
    Property taxes are highest in the country as a percentage of income. Our income tax is high. We have sales tax and a new “fee” called an insecticide fee (tax) which includes things like Febreze and bleach.

    A few yrs ago Portland Mayor Ethan Strimling, NY, and Gov. General Mills announced illegals would be welcomed with open arms. They say we’re too white as a state and young people don’t stay. Well duh. D’s make it hard to live here financially and Susan Collins helped turn us to one of the nation’s welfare states by assuring for every $1 we send to DC in taxes we get back $2.25 +.

    Long story short, Ptld pushed their problem into other towns. Here in So. Ptld. where the hotels Larry talks about are, crime is up 2000%. Our schools have been forced to take in the kids.
    My son works nights at a steel fab. plant near 3 of the hotels. He said the illegals were mad that cigarettes weren’t free cuz Joe Biden said everything would be.

    Go to Walmart the next town over at around 1 pm and here they come. Women with weaves and nails all done all the illegals wearing new clothes and shopping.

    It’s worse than Larry could describe in an article and yes the media in this state are playing along.

    Now the State Legislature has put the entire state at the mercy of HUD lawyers.

  4. “…inflation we’re experiencing is the result of TOO FEW immigrants…”

    I think I begin to see their logic-
    let any/all illegal immigrants in. Give the aliens free money, and everything else, that was obtained by taxing the citizens, The aliens then spend the money, and we’ll all be rich.

  5. Hambone
    APRIL 23, 2022 AT 12:09 AM
    “Screw Maine! They voted for this shit.”

    …they DID?

    …I mean, of COURSE they did!

    Screw those guys for their totes legit votes!


  6. Did anybody get welfare, section-8 housing, medicaid, or Obama phones when leaving Ellis Island?

    My mother couldn’t speak English, and had no “skill
    Set” except a strong back and willing hands. 60 years later she had 7 kids, 37 grandkids, 5 great grandkids, a college degree, and was a college caretaker, master gardener, and author who had spawned 2 doctors, 3 nurses, various business leaders, 12 veterans, etc.

    Her net worth was in the high 6 figures and she loved Rush Limbaugh.

    Was she worth the Ellis Island investment?

    Why not?

  7. So where are the putting the influx of Ukraine “refugees “ flooding in?

    2 million illegals last year, plus another 1 million legal aliens. That is a city bigger than Chicago, added in one year. All on welfare. Why is this allowed to continue.

  8. Everyone is warning about food shortages in our country. Anyone stop to think how much food these millions of illegal aliens consume and strain our food supply? Why has no republican come out and taken the position when, not if, we take back our Country, every single one of these illegal aliens no matter how long they have squatted in our country must and will be deported back to the shit holes they came from. Start asking your republican congressman or Senator what is their position on a mass deportation of illegal aliens no matter where the come from. These parasites and criminals need to go.

  9. So how many legal generational Americans are going to take to the streets and protest all the illegals, destruction of law and our economy, and the total devastation of wealth for the middle class by devaluing the dollar in order to be the world’s cradle for everyone that comes to be a drag on our society?

    ZERO. No one’s going to do jack shit.

  10. Probably why Stephen King moved to his own sunny, private key in Florida. Yes, he is a rich, ultra-liberal douchebag, but he knows that DeSantis would not & will not stand for this sort of thing. So, why not vote for liberals who will eventually ruin your state & then run for your life when the shit hits the fan? Let the commoners deal with it.

  11. There’s a few (sinister) reasons why the race supremacist and career crook Joe Biden needs these illegal invaders: 1) for votes 2) for trafficking drugs and cartels 3) for running women and children 4) for illegal organ harvesting on the black market 5) to supply the evil Anthony Fauci with more test subjects as Fauci did with the orphans he eventually murdered in 1980s-1990s to present day (the major reason why kids and native american women and kids are missing and not found, and with the paid help of fbi traffickers).

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