Maine: Sen. Angus King Not Interested In Assault Rifle Ban – IOTW Report

Maine: Sen. Angus King Not Interested In Assault Rifle Ban


Daily Caller: Sen. Angus King, an Independent from Maine, said Tuesday he would not support a ban on assault rifles because he doesn’t like banning things based on how they look.

MSNBC’s Willie Geist asked King if he believed civilians should be banned from owning “military-style” weapons like AR-15s.

“No, I think we’ve gotta look at that carefully,” King said. “Here’s the problem: I’m from a state where we have one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country and yet we have one of the lowest rates of crime.”

“It’s called an assault weapon, but it’s simply a semi-automatic hunting rifle in costume with a different stock,” King said, dismantling a common term used by gun control advocates. “The functionality of the weapon is exactly the same.”

King noted that there are many so-called “assault weapons” in his state that are used by legitimate hunters.

“I have a problem with banning a weapon because of its appearance,” he concluded.  Watch

11 Comments on Maine: Sen. Angus King Not Interested In Assault Rifle Ban

  1. “It’s called an assault weapon, but it’s simply a semi-automatic hunting rifle in costume with a different stock”

    any logical person would say that was the end of the argument but don’t count on it from liberals, facts don’t Trump feelings.

    just like a man wears a dress and says he feels like a women so he’s a women, a semi automatic rifle wears a different stock to mimic a military m-16 look and it’s an automatic death dealing military “assault” rifle.

  2. Then we should also have assault cars, assault knives, assault hands, assault chairs, assault flip flops, assault grandmas (you know she keeps that fruitless tree in the front yard just for the ‘switches’…

  3. Don’t let Anus King buffalo you.
    He’s a snake that moved here years ago to be a “big fish in a little pond”, and cash in on the windmill scams.
    Even moderate liberals here will defend gun rights, so he’s just playing to his base.
    Not fkng likely.
    He’s as liberal democrat as they come.

  4. The day after the Church shooting south of San Antonio an Illegal with an AR 15 was driving down the road north of Austin, at 2:00 am, shooting indiscriminately at cars. Wounded a bunch of people including a 7 year old girl who is still in the hospital in critical condition. A head shot. One would think this story would at least made honorable mention.

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