Maine shelters bulging as Texas charities continue sending illegal aliens to Portland – IOTW Report

Maine shelters bulging as Texas charities continue sending illegal aliens to Portland

American Mirror: Maine’s largest city is known for accepting illegal immigrants with open arms, providing resources and accommodations as they wait years for asylum claims to process through a system that prohibits them from working.

And while Mayor Ethan Strimling continues to welcome waves of border crossers into Portland, other city officials are raising the alarm about overwhelmed local shelters and questioning whether accepting more will do more harm than good, the Portland Press Herald reports.

It’s been a year since city officials warned the mayor that its family shelter was approaching its maximum capacity of 146 people, fueled by an influx of immigrants from Angola and the Congo who passed through the southern border to seek asylum.

Despite the warning, charities in Texas have continued to send dozens more immigrants as shelters there have struggled to keep pace with thousands coming across the southern border every day. The situation means many in Portland are now sleeping on floor mats in a Salvation Army gymnasium – prohibited from working for at least six months – as city staff and taxpayers attend to their needs and cover their costs.

Strimling, who describes Portland as a sanctuary city “with a small ‘s,’” responded to President Trump’s proposal in April to bus illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities with a big welcome.  more here

11 Comments on Maine shelters bulging as Texas charities continue sending illegal aliens to Portland

  1. Congo-Bongo people ain’t
    gona like the winters…
    Not all Maine residents are progtards.
    There are some hardy folks that live
    up in the Kennebecs.They don’t need no
    stinkin’ Govt. to survive the winter.

  2. Radioman
    All the progtards live in the 1st congressional district down along the coast.
    Most moved there from Mass, bringing along their mental problem called liberalism.
    The rest of Maine is evenly divide between liberal and conservative with the northern and western 1/3 of the state being firmly in the deplorable column.
    Strimling is one of the worst libtards, coming from NYC.
    These assholes like coming here because they go from insignificance to being a big fish in a small pond.

  3. Gov. Janet Mills has also announced she will be undoing LePage’s ban on non citizens getting welfare. They are driving the state back into the ditch.
    Republicans didn’t vote and out of state leftists have moved here just to ruin everything.

    The liberal Portland Press Herald has banned comments on this story too.

  4. Cant wait for these libitard fools to get some “African” justice like what they practice over in the congo and angola in the form of cutting off hands for first offenders and the great old community gatherings for some mob justice in the form of an old tire chained around their necks, filled with gasoline, and lit on fire.

    the culture-enrichment from some African “necklassings” should wake up the woke losers to the fact that their white guilt is going to be the death of them in one way shape or form and will probably come from their new demoncrat voters from half way across the planet and it could not happen soon enough IMHO.

  5. The Somalis are already killing people and beating them in Lewiston. They are responsible for crime increasing in Portland and South Portland and Westbrook. You should see some of the projects where they live. UGH!
    Our saving grace right now is that we can carry concealed or open with no permit and almost every American household in Maine has firearms.
    The libs are trying to take them but our state constitution is explicit in that is says no one can take our guns.

  6. Good. Idiots deserve the problems they brought upon themselves. Hillary Clinton’s mentor, Saul Alinsky, advocated for overwhelming the system. Drop another 10,000 more welfare seekers on the city of Portland and a few long time residents will begin to question the goals of the demo commie party.

  7. I remember living in Houston in the early 70’s when the Chief of Police was busted by the FBI for giving free bus tickets to Albuquerque, NM to criminals to avoid sending them to jail. Fuck the FBI.


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