Maine’s Senate Dem candidate arrested outside illegal alien detention center for getting snippy with an agent – IOTW Report

Maine’s Senate Dem candidate arrested outside illegal alien detention center for getting snippy with an agent

DC: Maine’s Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate was arrested outside a detention center in Texas on Friday morning for refusing to leave the premises after being told he was not allowed in.

The nominee, Zak Ringelstein, announced Wednesday that he was traveling to McAllen, Texas, to deliver personal items, including toys, books and blankets to the immigrant children currently being held there.

A Facebook Live video, which contains the arrest, shows Ringelstein waiting outside the center, being told he cannot go in, and then arguing with border patrol agents in the parking lot.

Ringelstein told the border agents that he believes, without going into the facility, that the children are being deprived of water, books, blankets, and other essential items.

“There are other organizations that we’ve been working with that you can provide them those items. […] legally we cannot accept them into our facility,” a female agent informed Ringelstein.

The agent told him, “and for all the public that’s watching,” that he can deliver the items to churches and other organizations that the facility works with, but legally cannot deliver them at the center.

“If you truly, in your heart, want to deliver this, that’s the way to get them this,” she said.  MORE

10 Comments on Maine’s Senate Dem candidate arrested outside illegal alien detention center for getting snippy with an agent

  1. It is fascinating to watch the wheels fall off and the Democrats go down in flames. They aren’t even able to attract sane people to their cause anymore. Truly amazing. You literally would think this was parody 10-15 years ago.


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