Mainstream Media Ignores Bombshell Cuomo Revelations, Covers Royal Family, Police Horses Instead – IOTW Report

Mainstream Media Ignores Bombshell Cuomo Revelations, Covers Royal Family, Police Horses Instead

Planet Free Will:

In a move that can only be described as the new normal for American mainstream media, two bombshell stories involving New York Governor Andrew Cuomo were ignored by major news networks on Thursday, with “the most trusted names in news” instead deciding to go with a fluff piece about the British royal family, a mindless story about police horses, and discussion about an art museum.

On Thursday, two exposés from the Associated Press and the New York Post hit the wires revealing what amounts to startling incompetence in the New York Governor’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic and what appears to be a deliberate coverup of NY’s nursing home death toll.

The AP‘s story detailed how Cuomo had sent over 9,000 elderly coronavirus patients back to their long-term care centers, a number larger than initially understood. more

10 Comments on Mainstream Media Ignores Bombshell Cuomo Revelations, Covers Royal Family, Police Horses Instead

  1. Go ahead, make the argument that the Media is in no way biased, and it is their noble mission to spread the truth, the facts, for the benefit of society.

    You can’t.

  2. Replay all the clips where Cuomo implied and even flat out stated that the Trump Administration was 1) incompetent, 2) not serious, 3) dishonest about the Democrat conspired Scamdemic.

    Also replay all the clips of the Media giving Cuomo’s ass a tonguebath. Feel free to include the clips of his brother Fredo complimenting his brother the homicidal criminal.

  3. “… amounts to startling incompetence …”

    Funny way to put “pre-meditated murder.”
    He made deals with cronies in the nursing-home business to kill off the old folks.
    BEFORE the dempanic was in full swing! Nothing “incompetent” about him.

    And no, the LSM won’t cover it. Granma never criticized Castro. Prava never criticized Stalin. The chink propaganda outlets never criticized Mao (or Xi). And Josef Goebbels never criticized Hitler – or any other member of the Party.
    “No enemies on the Left.” Until victory. Then they’ll purge.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “andrew the killer”

    He came dancing across the city
    With his newsmen and guns
    Looking for the new elected office
    In that palace in the sun.

    In the nursing home lay grandma
    With her coca chip cookies
    In her kitchen she often wondered
    What were the secrets of the worlds.

    And her fellow home residents
    gathered ’round her
    Like the leaves around a tree
    In their retirements of many types
    For the angry politicians to pay.

    And the women all were once beautiful
    And the men once tood
    straight and strong
    They offered life in sacrifice
    So that others could go on.

    Hate was just a legend
    And war was never known
    The people worked together
    And they lifted many stones.

    They carried them
    to the flatlands
    And they died along the way
    But they built up
    with their bare hands
    What we still can’t do today.

    And I know she’s living there
    And she loves me to this day
    I still can’t remember when
    Or how I lost my grandma.

    He came dancing across the state
    Cuomo, Cuomo
    What a killer.


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