Major business groups prepare to fight new Democratic tax proposals for Biden social bill – IOTW Report

Major business groups prepare to fight new Democratic tax proposals for Biden social bill

CNBC: Two of the biggest pro-business groups in the country — the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Business Roundtable — are gearing up to fight new tax proposals in Congress as Democrats work to finish President Joe Biden’s social safety net and climate spending bill.

The proposals would target billionaires through the tax code and enact a 15% minimum corporate tax on declared income for large corporations.

Centrist Democrat Joe Manchin has voiced some concerns about the so-called billionaire tax. The senator from West Virginia, who represents a pivotal vote in the Senate, has worked to shrink Biden’s and Democrats’ proposals for the bill. He favors the minimum corporate tax, however.

The Chamber, the biggest business advocacy group in the country, told CNBC that it is concerned that lawmakers are rushing these proposals through Congress.

“We are concerned about this attempt at the 11th hour to rush through brand new, complex, and untested methods of taxation,” Neil Bradley, the group’s executive vice president and chief policy officer, said in a statement. The group, he said, thinks lawmakers haven’t thoroughly vetted the proposals for unintended consequences.

“No lawmaker can say they have seriously contemplated the impact of these proposals,” Bradley said. more

2 Comments on Major business groups prepare to fight new Democratic tax proposals for Biden social bill

  1. They have done a great job of fooling the people about business’s paying taxes. Business’s don’t pay taxes they collect them. Raise tax rates on business and they raise prices. Like gravity it cannot work any other way.

  2. The chamber of commerce was against almost everything that PDJT recommended, and it was the media darling. Now, it is against a portion of the dem agenda and there is no “mainstream” news about it.

    BTW, welcome to reality COC


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