Major Cutbacks in Solar Industry in Germany and Elsewhere – IOTW Report

Major Cutbacks in Solar Industry in Germany and Elsewhere

Canada Free Press: Germany is the poster child for the global warming movement. However, after the government decided to reduce subsidies to the solar industry in 2012, the industry nose-dived. By this year, virtually every major German solar producer had gone under as new capacity declined by 90 percent and new investment by 92 percent. Some 80,000 workers, 70 percent of the solar workforce, lost their jobs. Solar power’s marker share is shrinking and solar panels, having outlived their usefulness, are being retired without being replaced reports Lawrence Solomon. 1

Those who hoped that Germany’s renewed coalition government would provide the renewable industries with a reprieve were disappointed in early April when Germany’s new economic minister indicated that there would be no turning back. All told, the cost to the German economy of its much-vaunted energy transition to renewables is estimated to reach 2 to 3 trillion euros by 2050. more here

5 Comments on Major Cutbacks in Solar Industry in Germany and Elsewhere

  1. Taxpayer-supported businesses always fail when they can’t have OPM anymore(other peoples money). There are thousands of windmills in California that were simply abandoned the instant subsidies expired.
    That right there is settled science.

  2. I have seen a few lefties insist that solar must be supported ‘because there are more jobs in solar than in any other energy sector’. Well it isn’t very efficient then is it, considering how little energy solar actually contributes.

  3. Germany is not noted for the amount of sunny days per year. That is why most Germans holiday in Spain, the south of France (where they are still hated) and in Italy – sunny countries.


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