Major Dem donor, Biden supporter gives $250,000 to Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign – IOTW Report

Major Dem donor, Biden supporter gives $250,000 to Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign


A major Democrat donor is financially supporting Republican Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign in an attempt to defeat former President Donald Trump from winning the GOP nomination.

Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of Linked-In, has donated $250,000 to SFA Fund Inc., the super PAC supporting Haley’s campaign, according to the New York Times.

The outlet reports that Hoffman’s political team had asked the super PAC if they would accept his donation and SFA Fund Inc. said yes.

While Haley is trailing Trump in the polls by a large margin, the former governor of South Carolina has been closing the gap on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. The Haley campaign hopes to see that achievement come to fruition and the extra money will help the super PAC buy more television ads.

The billionaire businessman is a longtime Democrat donor and a supporter of President Biden. In addition to supporting Haley, Hoffman has financially backed a plethora of anti-Trump candidates and causes, The Times reports. He threw financial support behind writer E. Jean Carrol’s lawsuit against Trump, which accused the former president of sexual assault and defamation. more here

25 Comments on Major Dem donor, Biden supporter gives $250,000 to Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign

  1. Nikki Haley has shown she was promoted well beyond her ability. She was a rino then and remains one today.

    If she is elected to the presidency or appointed to a federal agency, it will be a sign of the last days of the USA.

  2. Trump’s the only one. There isn’t another candidate that is not a chosen member of the deep state or bound in such a way that he/she/it may as well be a chosen member.

    The party state is in crisis due to seventy years of carefully filling glasses with its own flatus and breathing deeply of its own stench. It forgot there are people out here living and working and raising families who seek small but important goals.

    The people would do well to be left alone to pursue those small goals in peace, the power seekers elevated to status cannot be confined to stewardship, they must exercise control, power, the evidence, the result of power.

    For a power seeker the most thrilling use of that so ardently sought ability is this: To injure the innocent at will, with knowledge of that innocent’s injury, and with the innocent’s knowledge of the source of his injury. That is the ultimate satisfaction for the power seeking psychopaths currently running things in the USA. It is also the goal of all the power seeking psychopaths vying to obtain that power.

  3. “There isn’t another candidate that is not a chosen member of the deep state”

    Wrong, Ron DeSantis is definitely not a chosen deep stater.
    Any intelligent person knows this to be true.
    In fact, were RDS win the nomination all you would hear is “he’s worse than Trump!”
    RDS is the plan B for if Trump is locked away before the 2024 election.

  4. “Wrong, Ron DeSantis is definitely not a chosen deep stater.”

    I think more than a few of us see that much differently than you do. They are all Globalists. And Vivek is not to be trusted. But having a Donor like this pick his next best choice, and that choice being in the opposite party, just illustrates how the elites work. They’re concern is their financial empire and screw everyone else and the welfare of our country.

  5. “Fact is RDS has a stellar record and you can’t lay a glove on it with your loads of total bullshit.”

    Loco, why do you try and protect this guy like he’s your gay lover? I’m getting tired of your over the top defensive bull shit. Re read what I wrote above. It was an indictment on the donor class. That’s it, nothing more.

  6. Brad if anything you fawn over Trump like he’s your dream guy.
    Your utmost desire would b to rub warm oil on his back and whisper sweet-nothings in his ear.
    Thing is, you are setting yourself up for failure.
    If Trump is the ONLY man that can save the Republic then we are beyond fucked.
    Get a grip…

  7. “Your utmost desire would b to rub warm oil on his back and whisper sweet-nothings in his ear.”

    You’ve lost it. You need to reach out to the Trolls that occasional show up here. You’re all on the same page.
    And, we are beyond fucked.

  8. mod, good or bad, Rush did not live long enough to see the true RDS and his accomplishments.
    RDS is the embodiment of Rush with his actions.
    Rush would be a proud and good friend of the DeSantis family.

    Also, I can find many instances of Rush criticizing Trump…

  9. I’m going to go even deeper down the rabbit hole. Did he donate to her to help her or to sabotage her? I mean 250 K for him is like me buying a Big Mac and he can leak the news whenever he wants.

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