Major League Baseball locks out players, sport’s first work stoppage in roughly 26 years – IOTW Report

Major League Baseball locks out players, sport’s first work stoppage in roughly 26 years

Just the News-

Major League Baseball’s collective bargaining agreement expired Wednesday night, resulting in the league’s first work stoppage in a quarter-century.

The strategy, management’s equivalent of a strike under federal labor law, ended the sport’s labor peace after 9,740 days over 26 1/2 years, according to the Associated Press.

In 1994, the league and its owners immediately locked out players in a move that threatened spring training and opening day.

This time, teams decided to force the expected confrontation with players during an offseason rather than risk them walking out during the summer, as they did in 1994.  more

11 Comments on Major League Baseball locks out players, sport’s first work stoppage in roughly 26 years

  1. Just do what hockey players do in their off season, M.C. Wine Country Tours in Napa, Temecula, and other Wine rich regions of California.
    ‘There’s no crying on Wine Tours!’
    ‘More Wine!’

  2. A millionaires’ tiff.
    So sad.
    “I say, Buffy, hate to be a wet blanket, but it looks like we’ll have to drink Dom Perignon instead of Bollinger for a few weeks.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Kneel for those BLM assholes. Alienate 1/3 of your viewership forever. Severely damage the marketing value of your sport. And then don’t get why salaries are no longer justified. Good job, morons.

  4. silly people
    it doesn’t matter what you think of the lock out

    it only matters what world leader
    “winnie the ‘xi’ pooh” thinks about it

    don’t worry,
    if it bothers xi
    then brandon will be all over it

    besides baseball has sucked since the invention of the designated hitter.
    stupid rule change

  5. Major League Baseball locks out players, sport’s first work stoppage in roughly 26 years

    Fort all I care, they can stop playing forever, all of them are a bunch of Prima Donna overpaid pussies.

  6. This is the fault of Covid and climate change, and Trump. Unless we pass the Build Back Better Boondoggle we will face the dire consequences of a Year Without Baseball!


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