Major Study Finds Workplace Sex Discrimination — Against MEN – IOTW Report

Major Study Finds Workplace Sex Discrimination — Against MEN

New American:
Prejudice about prejudice is nothing new. For example, the “conventional” wisdom in 2008 held that Barack Obama’s race might be an impediment to his presidential ambitions, and a poll did show that six percent of Americans were less likely to vote for him because of his race. Yet the same poll found that nine percent of Americans were more likely to support him because of his race. And now there’s another story illustrating the difference between real and “feel”:

A major study has found that it is men, not women, who suffer workplace discrimination. more

10 Comments on Major Study Finds Workplace Sex Discrimination — Against MEN

  1. I retired at 50 so I’ve been out of the game for a while but if I ran a business I would NEVER EVER hire a woman, for anything. And the attraction for men employees who would want to work at my firm/business would be obvious; you will advance solely on merit and you don’t have to worry about bullshit sexual harassment complaints here. Remove female drama from any workplace and productivity will flourish.

    And yes, I’m typing this while the wife in NOT in the room.

  2. I’ve argued this with some females I know. they’re always starting sentences with ‘i feel’. I tend to rebut this with ‘fuck your feelings, reality doesn’t care’. usually on topics like females in combat arms roles, firefighting, etc. the army hadn’t gone full retard when I got out but I saw it coming. if a female can meet the same standards then great, but don’t lower them to make them feel better because you screw everyone doing that.

  3. At my job I saw women use fabricated claims of sexual harassment for revenge, not to mention the ones that slept their way up the ladder. Not there weren’t bona fide cases of lechers chasing or groping women. I’m with Different Tim on this one.

  4. Sapper Chris
    ” always starting sentences with ‘i feel’.” Bro, you talk to anybody under the age of about 24 and I swear they’ll start that “I feel” bull shit. They learn it in school. My youngest, when he was about 17 pulled that shit on me. I feel, I stopped him right there and told him I could give a shit less about what he feels, tell me what you know. You could see the light go on.
    I think that was the catalyst for him to starting pushing back on the Libtard lesson plans. He graduated from ASU. I’m pretty sure the staff there through a big party after he left.

    Most of my time in biz we’ve had over 30 employees. As many as 50. The women cause a lot less drama then the men. They caught on to new tasks quicker and over all were easier to manage. We had several on the shop floor. If we were running critical delicate parts I’d grab one of them and run the process down to them. The women had a much lighter touch and more finesse.
    Fat forward to today, hiring any employee is almost a liability. Especially in California. The hot ticket for labor these days is don’t hire them direct. Hire them through a temp agency. It will cost you 10 to 12 percent more but eliminates all HR/payroll responsibility on our end. Well worth it. Plus if they’re not working out, just tell them don’t come back.


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