Majority of Democrats Don’t Want Biden to Run In 2024, CNN Poll Says – IOTW Report

Majority of Democrats Don’t Want Biden to Run In 2024, CNN Poll Says

Neon Nettle-

Over half of Democrats do not want Joe Biden to run for reelection in 2024, according to a CNN poll released on Sunday.

The poll, conducted by SSRS in January and February with 1,527 adults, found that just a small percentage of Democrats and Democrat-leaning voters want Biden to run again.

Meanwhile, 51 percent want someone else in the Oval Office.

The margin of sampling error is 3.3 percentage points.

Those in favor of his reelection are unsurprisingly Biden’s strongest supporters, but the percentage decreases significantly among Democrats who only moderately approve of him. more

13 Comments on Majority of Democrats Don’t Want Biden to Run In 2024, CNN Poll Says

  1. Majority didn’t want him to run 2 years ago. DNC overruled.
    Of course were it left to the majority of Dems, Bernie would have won the nomination.
    Of course Trump would have beaten any comers, except for Dominion.

  2. Too late bastards. The damage is done and people are pissed off at what you Democrats did to them.
    Payback is a bitch. Many careers were destroyed by Democrat policies over the last three decades.


    Hunter Biden is what followers of the progressive movement aspire to. They live vicariously through individuals like him.

  4. Who are they gonna’ run?

    “Beto, Beto…..BetoBetoBeto and the Feds…..
    :lectric’ harpsichord:
    :some dude whistles whee-o whee-o wheeet!:

    “BETO…..BETO…..BETobetobeto …and the Fedssssss.”

  5. Colorado’s Governor Jared Polis has more experience and ten times the accomplishments of either Buttigigig or that counter hopping doofus, Beto O’Rourke. He’s been very moderate lately, and his husband is almost never seen in public. He’s wealthy and very appealing to voters who want to show how liberal they are by voting for the first openly homosexual candidate for President in history. He can easily step in to replace Dementia Joe as the next dream candidate, a liberal White Colored Man posing as a moderate, who will garner all of the most progressive voters in a political party that desperately needs a fresh progressive face in 994 days.

  6. What makes you think Joe will even be alive in 2024? As his dementia progresses, and he starts to shoot his mouth off even more, eventually he’ll start babbling on about things they don’t want him talking about, and that’s when Joe will have his little “accident”.

  7. Biden will be in a nursing home by 2024. Hillary will be under further investigation or tied up in court cases for the next decade.
    I will always support Trump, but I would prefer that he be a King maker and endorse Desantis as well as other Republicans in leading positions.
    If he insists on running, then Desantis would make an excellent VP.

  8. @mickey moussaoui February 15, 2022 at 1:41 am

    > I will always support Trump, but I would prefer that he be a King maker and endorse Desantis as well as other Republicans in leading positions.
    > If he insists on running, then Desantis would make an excellent VP.

    You see, children? Bolsheviks are the greatest threat to humanity.

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