Majority of Democrats want Trump to succeed – IOTW Report

Majority of Democrats want Trump to succeed

WaEx: More than half of Democrats want President-elect Trump to succeed as commander in chief, but far fewer believe he will actually be a success by the party’s standards, according to a Rasmussen Report survey released Thursday.

Fifty-seven percent of likely U.S. voters who identified as Democrats hope Trump thrives in the Oval Office, albeit lower than the nine-in-10 Republicans who have the same desire for the conservative leader. Only one-quarter of Democrats polled Jan. 3-4 admitted to wanting Trump to fail.  MORE

7 Comments on Majority of Democrats want Trump to succeed

  1. By the party’s standards? What f*cking standards? Trump has already done more before even taking office than any of those fools in their entire times in DC put together.

  2. This is real? Why an issue? Was this survey only conducted to prove leftists are fair-minded? I lol ol. To be a prop in the war against the right? ie; Rushlimbaugh said, back I was still young (about 8 years ago), that he hoped that hopey changey would fail.

  3. A great many Demonrats are (surprisingly) good, honest, hard-working Americans who want America to be Great Again.

    They just happen to be completely uninformed about Economics, Philosophy, Business, Logic, Reason, Cause-and-Effect, Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Politics, History, and Common Sense.

    izlamo delenda est …

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