Majority of New York State Lawmakers Call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign – IOTW Report

Majority of New York State Lawmakers Call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign

#6 claims he got under her blouse.

Breitbart: The Majority of New York state lawmakers have called on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) to resign as the governor faces allegations of covering up coronavirus deaths and sexual harassment.

The Associated Press notes:

At least 121 members of the state Assembly and Senate have said publicly they believe Cuomo can no longer govern and should quit office now, according to a tally by The Associated Press. The count includes 65 Democrats and 56 Republicans.

Cuomo’s support in the state Senate was especially thin. Roughly two thirds of its members have called for the Democrat’s resignation, including Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

Cuomo has been accused in recent weeks of sexual harassment and unwanted touching from six women and faces an investigation overseen by the New York Attorney General Letitia James.

On Thursday, the New York Times first reported that one of the allegations against Cuomo was been referred to Albany authorities by a lawyer for the governor. Albany Police Department officials confirmed to the Times that it is in possession a report regarding an alleged incident at the Executive Mansion involving Cuomo and a woman, who was a staff member. read more

10 Comments on Majority of New York State Lawmakers Call on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to Resign

  1. Embedded money sucking political ticks never leave on their own. It’s like asking a woodchuck to leave your back yard without extreme physical encouragement. He might leave if Biden makes him a job offer he can’t refuse.

  2. Wild Bill,
    That’s because most NYers are idiots (like the rest of us). Cuomo made a deal with the nursing home owners prior to the deaths of the elderly. That’s pre-meditation. He KNEW he was sending them to their deaths, and did it anyway. The nursing home owners KNEW it was a death sentence for the inmates, and did it anyway. That, too, is pre-meditation. Any way you cut it, it’s pre-meditated murder on a massive scale.

    But, I understand that most jurors are barely sentient.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Cuomo has to go so as not to primary the vapid loser Harris. He signaled his intentions to run when he refused any position in Biden’s admin. He knows Biden is a one termer, if that, and he has big plans. The dems won’t let him go down because of the 15,000 elderly he killed. Other dem governors had the same policy. The WH called him “the gold standard of leadership”. CNN & other MSM carried him on their shoulders as a hero. So, there’s too much collateral damage to let that happen. The easy way is to let him damage himself politically by the sexual allegations. It’s all of his own doing and there’s no collateral damage. He will henceforth be known as the creepy old perv who couldn’t keep his hands off young women. Damage done.

  4. Principal Poop
    MARCH 12, 2021 AT 8:45 AM

    “He will henceforth be known as the creepy old perv who couldn’t keep his hands off young women. Damage done.”

    …IDK, that didn’t seem to hurt The Pedophile any, but that’s the magic of Dominion for ya…

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