Make Congress Work Again – IOTW Report

Make Congress Work Again

No, seriously. Get your a$$es to work.

DC: A group of 16 Republican senators are sending Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell a serious message Friday: It is time to work full weeks, confirm the president’s nominees and stop wasting precious time while Republicans hold both chambers of Congress and the White House.

Sen. David Perdue of Georgia is leading the charge, calling on McConnell to realize there are only 67 working days left in the 2018 fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. The coalition of Republican senators are urging McConnell to make the Senate work through Friday and on some weekends (senators typically go home to their districts on Thursday afternoon) and cancel the August recess — a request newer GOP senators and the president asked of leadership in 2017 in order to get action on repealing and replacing Obamacare. more here

15 Comments on Make Congress Work Again

  1. Congress being in session as long as they are is indicative of just how phucked up our federal government is.

    Say it with me, “Over reach”.

    Thirty days would suffice each year with a properly constructed and sized federal government. Let the committees teleconference from home and thrash out how they are going to reward their lobbyist’s and big business re-election support group. That way we have a record of it.

    Look around. Look back. These people have a driving record like grandma on heroin. With interludes of cocaine excess (Patriot Act) that exhibit the finest of knee jerk reaction that shits on all of us with poorly constructed, constitutionally abhorrent train wrecks that never should have seen the light of day.

    Better yet, we should asphyxiate all these motherphuckers. Put them in a big glass jar. Swear in their replacements right beside it.

  2. Maybe we should pay them by the hour they actually work instead of the extravagant pay and benefits they receive for not working. Install time clocks.

  3. @ Molon Labe
    I never got into Dobie Gillis (maybe I should) until Bob rest his soul Denver in Gilligan’s Island…in re-runs!

    What modern day politician went into ‘public service’ (thanks a@ EE that annoys the crap out of me) poor and which one came out…RICH.


    Paging Harry S Truman.


  4. And furthermore, there’s no reason Congress can’t emulate the Texas state legislature and meet semi-annually (every 2 years) and for 5 months with a strict legislative agenda. And no Pension. And term limits.

  5. My default position is that legislators already spend too much time in Washington D.C. or their state capitols. In California, I would support a tripling of legislators’ salaries if they promise to never do anything at all during their terms – they would do less damage that way.

  6. Hey if Dems are going to propose federal jobs for anyone who wants one — I want s job as a senator

    Nice work week, cushy benefits, a title- sounds good to me.

    I can do nothing as well as the next guy or gal

  7. No!
    Fuck no!

    Send em the fuck home! If one is caught speaking to another, put them both to death. The only time the Republic is safe is when Congress, the Supremes, and the President are on vacation – and we only have the bureaucrats to fuck shit up (and the State and County people, of course).

    Name one (1) thing McConnell has done FOR America in his entire career. Just one. Name one (1) thing he’s done that made the World a better place.
    Now go through the entire Congressional roster and ask the same question.

    Bet ya can’t name more than 10 who have ever – EVER – done a positive thing for America.

    Now, conversely, compare their gross and net worths before they entered Congress to their present gross and net worths.
    Pretty fuckin shocking.
    Pick one at random … say … Nancy Pelosi?
    Pick another … say … Paul Ryan?

    You get the drift …

    izlamo delenda est …


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