Make It A Combo – IOTW Report

Make It A Combo

What’s the weirdest (or best) food combination you have eaten?

93 Comments on Make It A Combo

  1. I dunno if it’s weird or not (cuz I love it) is creamy peanutbutter on a hamburger. A good Peanut burger is hard to beat! Most people I mention it to go Ewwww, but if they try it they like it.

  2. I’m afraid I will put a fried egg on top of a piece of buttered toast with jam on it. I also like maple syrup on sausage and ham, especially country ham. Ketchup on a grilled sandwich is good for me. I had a girlfriend 40 years ago that used to put finely diced apple in tuna salad sandwiches

  3. I don’t know that any combinations I eat are weird but the hubs eats some weird sh**.
    He eats peanut butter and egg salad sandwiches & peanut butter and potato chip sandwiches. ICK!

  4. Childhood concoction that I still crave occasionally: Baloney sandwich with peanut butter and potato chips on white bread.

    Also, highly recommend dipping Wendy’s fries into a Frosty.

  5. Par-boiled, split, and charcoal grilled calf thymus gland with lemon juice, coarse salt, and chimi churri.

    @Ted Nougat — I’m a fan of PB & bacon on toast, too! Butter the toast, of course.

    Another good PB combo is a PB and sliced banana sandwich.

  6. Many moons ago, went om a date to see an outdoor Peter Rowan concertwith a very nice girl. She drove! She also brought along dates, soaked in rum, stuffed with a pistachio nut and rolled in a coarse sugar. Heavenly.
    Alas, I was too embroiled in school at the time and I let her get away.

  7. Yes to buttering the toast for the PB and bacon, and the PB bagels! Lots of real butter. It’s the secret to losing weight. I avoid breads, however, as it makes me crave more carbs and sweets. Used to eat a couple bagels every day.

  8. I enjoy a peanut butter omlette once in awhile.
    also, like Claudia, I too enjoy a good onion sandwich…just mayo and thick slice of crisp onion, sweet or regular, don’t matter.

  9. I will stick with good. One local fast-food place has a unique chicken sandwich. The Chicken “Not So Waffle” is a sandwich with broiled or fried chicken, Bacon Jam, Maple Syrup, Pimiento Cheese, Tomato. Deeeeelish!

    Some really tasty odd mixes. One recipe I stole that became a big favorite, and which I adopted as a ‘signature dish’ – because I AM NOT A COOK, but this got lots of comments:
    2 lbs strawberries, sliced
    2-3 avocados, diced
    1 pack sliced almonds
    1 tub ready-pack lettuce
    Raspberry vinaigrette dressing (or whatever you like)
    Easy to make, everyone loves it.

  10. Like Illustr8er, I like potato chips on both tuna and egg salad sandwiches. Maple syrup on fried eggs is good too once in a while. I love cream cheese mixed with chopped scallions, sliced smoked turkey, and basil leaves on raisin bread — Ina Garten’s Turkey Tea Sandwiches.

    I’m not keen enough on peanut butter to try its variations, but I just saw an old ad for Devilled Ham that suggests using it with peanut butter. Maybe it was a regional thing back in the day.

  11. Breakfast – peanut butter and maple syrup on toast.
    Snack – peanut butter smeared on banana slices.
    Here’s how to use up all those zucchini that are growing faster in your garden than you can keep up to them – sliced and dipped in pancake batter with salt and pepper, fried in olive oil.

  12. Some people use hot sauce or Tabasco to spice up their popcorn.
    Not me.
    I sprinkle some Cajun’s Choice red pepper seasoning instead.
    Good on Fritos and potato chips too.

  13. Uncle Al – isn’t thymus gland what is called “sweetbread?” What do they taste like? Always wanted to try them but if they taste like most offal (iron-like flavor) then I’m out.

    Tomato bisque with big dollop of mashed potatoes.

    Canned corned beef, italian dressing and some mayo. Mixed well, it kinda resembles Underwood deviled ham…which I do like.

    Drained sardines, sauteed in olive oil and butter, served over rice.

    On wedge salads, dressing of choice – caesar and blue cheese combined.

  14. chitlins with vinegar – they just taste musty to me.

    peanut butter and tuna sandwich – better than expected

    peanut and molasses – it kinda’ crystalizes and gets crunchy

    the latest is a liverwurst sandwich with iceberg lettuce and Thousand Island or Russian dressing – much better than expected

    I despise catsup so eat French Fries with mayo

  15. @CJ:

    Uncle Al – isn’t thymus gland what is called “sweetbread?” What do they taste like? Always wanted to try them but if they taste like most offal (iron-like flavor) then I’m out.

    Yes, but I wrote “thymys gland” instead for two reasons. Yeah, shock value was one, and the other is that “sweetbreads” is also used for brains. The thymus and the brain sort of look similar if you’re half blind and squinting. They don’t have the same flavor or texture at all.

    No, the thymus sweetbreads have a nice mild flavor, and it is greatly enhanced by grilling. The parboil and split step is important because you want to grill just long enough to get a little browning and crisping but not so long as to overcook them and unless you split them they’re too thick. You may not like chimi churri (an Argentine cookout sauce with a onion, tomato, vinegar, and water), but trust me on the lemon juice and coarse salt.

  16. Butter, peanut butter, mayo, raspberry jam and sliced bananas on some first class bread. Then smash it down before you eat it.

    Call my doctor for me afterwards.

  17. And for the more daring;

    Two pieces of bread heavily coated with lard, slathered with a cube of real butter, covered with ½ pound of cooked bacon, sufficiently layered with mayo and stacked on top of a quarter pound of Neapolitan ice cream.

  18. An old girlfriend would make tacos frying the ground beef and shell together, then a layer of grated cheddar, then a bead of medium Salsa Brava or La Victoria taco sauce, and then topped with lettuce mixed with mayo. They were fantastic.

  19. ANON

    The ELVIS has vanilla ice cream amdwhippedcream -you left them out!

    Been an Elvisfanfor 68 years. have eaten many “Elvis” mostly at 320 main years ago.I do know why i’m80 # overweight. Elvis!
    Ok makers mark, Bullit, Dewars may also be reasons!

    BTW Baptists make Makers mark! I married one. Best thing i ever did!

  20. My dad liked salt on his melon.
    I like the British tradition of malt vinegar on fries. I also like the Dutch tradition of mayo on fries.
    In the Netherlands if you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, they will look at you like an alien from space. The Dutch do love their salt-covered black licorice candies, though (they make me want to heave).

  21. Thanks for all the suggestions. 😁

    Wow, there’s a lot of peanut butter involved on this thread. lol

    I use Tzatziki sauce (made with Gr. yogurt, not sour cream) on just about everything. And I also like cream cheese+salsa as a dip.

  22. Thanks Uncle Al. I actually responded last night but it didn’t go through for some odd reason. I really like chimi churri, so will have to add sweetbreads to the list of foods I plan to CJtry.

  23. I saw warmed peanut butter on ice cream.
    My grandmother used to do that and then put some Hershey syrup (from the can) over top.
    I hadn’t remembered that for decades.

    Tonight’s dessert.

  24. @ Quinn I like salt licorice and get it from a place in Dresden. Spiral snail shaped licorice with salt.- yum. The Haribo licorice Konfetkes is my favorite although no salt.

  25. Mayonnaise on French fries…the Belgian way. First time I tried them was in Brugges on a night of freezing rain, from a street vendor, Nothing better…except for Belgian beer.


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