Make Maryland SAFE! – IOTW Report

Make Maryland SAFE!

Gordana Schifanelli for Lt. Governor.
Endorsed by President Donald J. Trump.

8 Comments on Make Maryland SAFE!

  1. Good luck with that.
    MD’s been a shithole since Marvin Mandel got railroaded.
    Corrupt from the Mountains to the Sea.
    And even she (the ad) uses the misleading term “gun violence” instead of calling it what it is.
    Sad. If one cedes the language, one cedes the message.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. @Tim – FJB
    OCTOBER 12, 2022 AT 5:39 AM
    “Good luck with that.
    MD’s been a shithole since Marvin Mandel got railroaded.
    Corrupt from the Mountains to the Sea.”

    Tim: I’ve been to Maryland. Those aren’t mountains. Those are hills. And small ones at that.

  3. Meadow Mountain (2,959 ft.)
    Elbow Mountain (2,730 ft.)
    Little Savage Mountain (2,818 ft.)
    Mount Aetna (2,598 ft.)
    High Rock (2,986 ft.)
    Big Savage Mountain (2,982 ft.)

    Seem big enough to me.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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