‘Make money and keep it classy’: Harry and Meghan seeking advice from Obamas – IOTW Report

‘Make money and keep it classy’: Harry and Meghan seeking advice from Obamas

WA EX: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have allegedly been talking with Barack and Michelle Obama about how to build a successful career.

“They have found huge commercial success without actually looking like they are getting their hands dirty, to put it bluntly, and retaining their popularity,” a source told the Daily Mail about the couple’s fascination with the Obamas. “In fact, it is fair to say that their star has soared since leaving the White House, particularly Michelle’s, and this is something Meghan admires very, very much.”

The source said the Obamas are advising Harry and Meghan, and they consider each other “friends.” Public relations guru Howard Bragman said the Obamas are an example for the couple of how to “make money and keep it classy.” MORE

There’s more:

Majority of Britons wants Harry and Meghan stripped of royal titles: Poll.

A new poll found that a majority of the British public wants Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to relinquish their royal titles after they have decided to step back as senior royals.

The survey, which was conducted by the Daily Mail, showed 54% of the British public think Prince Harry should “give up right” to be the sixth in line to the throne. Furthermore, the British public by a margin of 60% to 25% believe the couple should pay back the $3.1 million they used to renovate their cottage.

Over three-quarters of the public also want the pair to be cut off from taxpayer money. Almost three-quarters believe they mistreated Queen Elizabeth II by not telling her in advance about their plans.


Prince William says he and brother Harry are ‘separate entities’ as Queen calls royal crisis meeting.

Among the items to hash out are how much “official” work Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 38, will do on behalf of the government and royal family, whether or not they will keep their HRH titles and how they will be styled, and how much money they will receive from the queen once their sovereign grant public funding is cut.

SNIP: Classy! Woke!
Without lifting a pinky!

28 Comments on ‘Make money and keep it classy’: Harry and Meghan seeking advice from Obamas

  1. They are going to “carve out progressive new roles” for themselves. Progressive,eh?

    I read that if they don’t get what they want they’ve threatened to film an interview where they accuse the royal family of racism and sexism. Oh poor Meghan! Was this the advice that Mooch and Barry gave them?

    God save the Queen.

  2. Barry and Moochelle – master grifters. The perfect pair for rookie grifters, Harry and Meghan to get advice on how to rip off taxpayers and the gullible left.

  3. Stupid Meghan thinks using the word progressive makes her seem compassionate. I’ve always found her phony, especially since she won’t have anything to do with her dad who gave her every educational advantage he could.

  4. Howdy Doody the inbred simpleton is being led around by his crank by his buck toothed skank. Seeking advise from the two biggest frauds ever to soil the white house is all the proof anyone needs to see how dim witted they are.

  5. People keep wondering about Who the DNC is going to throw in at the

    last moment?

    You’re looking at half of the equation in Meghan. Probably VP..

    They’d win in a landslide…That’s how stupid the American Public

    has become.

  6. Advice from Michelle: “Do some research. If you don’t, you could wake up one morning to the reality that your husband is gay.”
    Advice from Barack: Do some research. If you don’t, you could wake up one morning to the reality that your wife is a man.”

  7. Ginger and Nutmeg also consulted with hillary on how to set up their Sussex royal foundation as a so called charity that would line their pockets in the same way the Clintons did. How the Royal family allowed this d-list actress and part time prostitute to marry into the family is a mystery.

  8. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s Independent Digital Agency is called “Article”, and its website actually claims that “we make shit happen for clients in any country.” This finally answers the question everyone has asked at least once in their lives. Who is making this shit up? These are the shit makers. I do believe that they have made some real shit happen for the Royal Family in the United Kingdom.

  9. #1 Harry needs a backlog of people who benefited from him politically who would be wiling to give him huge sums of money AFTER HE LEAVES office as a DEFERRED PAYMENT, ie, Land deals and positions on executive boards as a director$ (Chelsea Clinton)$$$

    #2 Tell all Book with $30 to 40 Million Upfront

    #3 Tenure at HARVARD or similar with Big $$$ for 2 to 3 speeches per year without actually teaching.

    #4 Paid speaking engagements from Environmentalists to spray their shit on the faithful masses.

    If all else fails: A porno tape accidentally released & getting photoed exiting limo’s without underwear. (Hilton etc.,)

  10. I guess the luster of the Clintons has dimmed, since they aren’t asking Bill and Hillary’s advice. Maybe setting up a phony tax-exempt “charity” is too much work.


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