Make New York Great Again: Dump Cuomo – IOTW Report

Make New York Great Again: Dump Cuomo

Patriot Retort:

You know, New York State has the potential of being an economic powerhouse.

We have manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, technology. We have mountains, lakes, historical sites. And there’s enough natural gas flowing beneath our feet to make us an energy leader.

But we’re not.

Our economy is floundering.

Taxes keep going up.

Businesses and residents are fleeing.

And all that natural gas stays firmly locked beneath our feet because Andrew Cuomo won’t permit fracking.

The number of people on public assistance outstrips those of us who provide the taxpayer cash to fund them. In other words, the takers outnumber the makers.


Meanwhile, our idiot Governor fancies himself presidential material.

It doesn’t surprise me in the least that Andrew Cuomo would snottily declare that America has never been great.

He’s just that despicable.

One thing is for sure, New York State isn’t great. Not now.  MORE

3 Comments on Make New York Great Again: Dump Cuomo

  1. Neither California or New York will turn around until they hit critical mass. Their electorates don’t get it. But they will. And I’m proud to say California is way out in front of New York.

  2. In the early ’90’s my niece got her first job at a Burger King in Watertown. She had a friend who was the same age, about 17, who got pregnant and was collecting welfare. My nice saw her first check and saw how much was deducted for taxes to pay welfare for people like her friend. My niece was not happy.


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