Make Orwell Fiction Again – IOTW Report

Make Orwell Fiction Again

Diogenes’ Middle Finger: Most literate humans in the Western World are familiar with the story of the dystopian world of Winston Smith. The book is designed to make ‘The Party’ and its machinery of oppression look entirely infallible.  A state like his could only exist with loud, constant, and obvious lies, much like the progressive left and their witting enablers in the media push on America today.  

Orwell knew from his contemporary totalitarians,  you had to seize control of truth itself. You had to redefine truth as “whatever we say it is.” You had to falsify memories and photos and rewrite histories. No control could be total until you colonized people’s heads too. Your people could be aware that all this was going on, so long as they kept that awareness to themselves and carried on (which is what doublethink is all about).

The upshot is, Winston Smith, like the soft skull followers of today’s progressive ideology, are gaslit to hell and back.  read more

8 Comments on Make Orwell Fiction Again

  1. 1984 was fiction but also a somber
    warning of what can happen if vigilance
    becomes relaxed.

    And it became relaxed when FDR embraced
    ” Uncle Joe ” Stalin and supplied and
    fed Russian troops.

    Thank you FDR
    You and idiot Truman invented
    the Cold War.

    But the indoctrination in USA will continue.
    Never mind what really happened.

  2. We are drifting to an amalgamation of ‘1984’ & ‘Brave New World’ where we are happily fed our daily dose of ‘groupthink’, ‘love’, ‘enemies of the state’ & ‘Soma’ … remember the ’60’s saying of Timothy Leary? … ‘tune in, turn on, drop out’ ….. THIS is their goal

    what do you think the true goal is, when the D’rats politicians demands to release all criminals? Release all drug offenders! Do not prosecute any crime less than $1k! Do not prosecute drug abusers? Do you believe New York’s release of anyone charged w/ a crime the very next day is some sort of compassion for ‘pick-your-sub-group-flavor-of-the-day? … of course not

    They are purposely creating chaos in order to have the masses reach their breaking point & demand the suspension of guaranteed Constitutional rights

    It’s just that simple kiddies …. a blind person can see it … why can’t we?

  3. Brave New World was always far more scary and dystopic to me than 1984. 1984 was more of a forced tyranny while Brave New World was more coerced and subtle by mind numbing everyone with soma (drugs) and endless entertainment and totally hedonistic pursuit of any kind of pleasure especially sexual. And a total forgetfulness of the past, after you died you were immediately cremated and totally forgotten about like you never existed. Both are scary as hell as well as Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451.

  4. TIM

    8 years before ’64 my teachers were (some) were Commies indoctrinating kids to hate America. I spent many hours in detention calling out their hate.

    My ’60 “College Prep English lit had us read (I think) 250 things written by Brits. When I read “1984” I said it will never happen in America! Wrong! Then I thought Hilton was the best of the 20th century. But Orwell and Huxely clearly were tuned in to the ugly future!

    I was a D then and my hero was as well. But he said “My party not only nominated a commie it elect one President. It has left me!” I thought in ’60 Ronny was wrong. Turns out he was right! unfortunately.

    For those under 77 the “Quota System” was put in place in ’62 by EEOC! In ’61 JFK forced networks to stop playing “Frito Bandito” because it offended some! First Ammend be damned!The ugly legacy of JFK lives 60 years.

  5. How well we’ve been manipulated and indoctrinated can be judged by the current crop of clowns running for the Demonrat nomination – one is a declared socialist and the rest are undeclared socialists.
    Wilson predates Roosevelt.
    Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus, closed newspapers, imprisoned those who opposed him, and introduced the personal income tax (a foundation of socialism).

    Evil has a long reach.

    Orwell was warning of “socialism with an Asian face” (Stalin was a Georgian, which the Brits considered “Asian”) while continuing to support “English” socialism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Visited my son’s place for the first time on New Years’ Day.

    The little screen that they addressed as “Google” for any number of questions and planned further implementation of further technology so they can be monitored can monitor everything from anywhere.

    Out of earshot of the screen I said, “Google, play their sex noises.” They saw no humor…

    They tell me I’m paranoid…


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