Make room in the clown car! Rep. Tim Ryan (D) declares his 2020 candidacy – IOTW Report

Make room in the clown car! Rep. Tim Ryan (D) declares his 2020 candidacy

From WFB: Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan is the latest Democrat to join the 2020 presidential race.


Ryan, best known for an unsuccessful attempt to oust Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) from the House Democratic leadership, announced his run on Thursday via a new campaign website. The announcement came shortly before Ryan was scheduled to appear on ABC’s The View.

Ohhh, that guy. [*shrugs* I still dunno]


“Like so many in America’s heartland, I come from a long line of factory workers who helped build our nation into a powerhouse of innovation,” the website reads. “But over the last 20 years, failed leadership and broken promises have destroyed the middle-class, forcing our economy into crisis and pushing the American Dream out of reach.”

Ryan framed his decision to run for president around the issue he’s dealt with while representing the working-class community of Youngstown, Ohio and its suburbs in Congress since 2002.


“When our local GM factory was shut down last Thanksgiving, I got a call from my daughter who was consoling her friend whose father was an auto worker and was just laid off. My daughter said to me, with tears in her voice, ‘You have to do something,'” his site states. “That’s why I am running for President. It’s time to do something.”

You were supposed to tell them to ” LEARN TO CODE.”

Ryan elaborated on his run and his appeal in a crowded Democratic primary during his segment on The View. The avid yoga enthusiast

Oh, here we go.

pitched himself as one of the only candidates that understood the “legacy” of post-globalization “job loss” and how it could be fixed.

“In the last 17-18-19 years in public office,

Dude, just say “19 years”.  So annoying.

I’ve been working really hard to figure what the heck we do next,” Ryan told the show’s co-hosts. “I understand where we need to go. The country is so divided right now that we can’t get a plan together.”   more here

He’s got a heck of a plan, you guys. He doesn’t know what it is, but do not worry. He wears yoga pants. He’s stretchy. He can fix things. Things in places no other candidate  can reach.



7 Comments on Make room in the clown car! Rep. Tim Ryan (D) declares his 2020 candidacy

  1. Apparently it didn’t occur to any of those geniuses on The Darkroom that the only person in 17 – 18 – 19 years to do anything about those lost jobs has been the man Yogaboy is planning on replacing in 20 – 20.

  2. Remember the 2016 election, when there was actually a chance the Dem nominee could win? There were only 3 candidates then: Killary, Bernie, and, um, um, a sort of rational sounding guy (still a leftist) who was never able to get above 1%.
    Pretty entertaining to watch this farce, knowing how pointless it is. I guess they at least have to put up a nominee.


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