Make the Oscars a Gun-Free Zone – IOTW Report

Make the Oscars a Gun-Free Zone

Patriot Retort: Tonight, surrounded by tons of LAPD plus armed, private security, Hollywood’s most strident anti-gun scolds will take to the red carpet for the Academy Awards.

And to show they really, really mean it about gun control, they’ll be wearing orange pins.

No word yet on whether their armed security will also wear these pins. But I’m guessing not.


But I say put your rhetoric where your mouths are, Hollywood. And make the Oscars a Gun-Free Zone.

It’s about fairness.

Go see any Oscar-nominated film and I’m guessing, the theater you go to is a Gun-Free Zone.

You know. Just like the one in Aurora, Colorado.

But these idiots in Hollywood have armed security at the Oscars?  more here

19 Comments on Make the Oscars a Gun-Free Zone

  1. I don’t give a rats ass about Hollywood or the people in it.
    If there is a hell thats where they are going.
    Horrible horrible people
    Mr.Pinko probably has known Hollywood people for decades, so no offense to him.

  2. Once again, I didn’t get around to seeing any of the films nominated for an Oscar. And once again, I have almost no idea of who the persons nominated for anything are because I didn’t get around to seeing any of the films they were in. And if these awards hold true to form, there will be virtually nothing to induce me to see most of these films (Dunkirk and The Darkest Hour were already on my list, maybe, sometime).

    My prediction is that this will be the most political awards ceremony ever. People who make millions of dollars pretending to be other people, real or usually fictional, who live in gated homes and communities and who travel with armed security will attempt to tell me, a middle class individual, how to live my life. Sorry celebrities, you only exist for my amusement and entertainment. Dance, monkey, dance – make me smile. Then go back into your cage until the next time I want to be entertained.

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