Making Mount Rushmore – IOTW Report

Making Mount Rushmore


It began in 1923, when South Dakota historian Doane Robinson had the idea to carve larger-than-life figures into the state’s Black Hills.

Robinson wanted to honor Western heroes — both Native Americans and pioneers — but it was his sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, who suggested the monument go national, spotlighting George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Robinson appealed to Congress for funds and permission, but only permission was granted. Amid outspoken opposition to the project, planning and fundraising began in 1925. But it wouldn’t have gotten very far without President Calvin Coolidge who, in one of his last executive acts, signed a bill approving funding. Borglum broke ground in 1927.

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8 Comments on Making Mount Rushmore

  1. How many of you have been to Mt Rushmore? It is in one of the most beautiful mountainous areas in the nation.

    bill, crazy horse will never be completed. Its just a cash cow.

    (I can see Mt Rushmore from my living room)

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