Malaysia: Man gets two years in prison for insulting Islam and Muhammad on Facebook – IOTW Report

Malaysia: Man gets two years in prison for insulting Islam and Muhammad on Facebook

Jihad Watch:

Facebook will likely ban him, too. They don’t like the freedom of speech over there.

This is yet another glimpse into the future of the U.S. This can’t happen here, you say? We respect the freedom of speech, you say? Maybe that was true at one time, but it is no longer. Cowardice is pandemic. Newspapers all over the country refused to republish the notorious Muhammad cartoons out of a newfound “respect” for Islam that they never showed for negative portrayals of Christianity, which they hailed as “courageous.” Those who call attention to the ideological roots of jihad violence are already excoriated as “inciting hatred” and smeared as racist, bigoted “Islamophobes.” Most organizations on both the Left and the Right would never dare feature such people as speakers. Any organization that does is immediately denounced and called upon to apologize, and it usually does. So given that this is the climate today, what do you think the situation will be like in ten or twenty years? more

9 Comments on Malaysia: Man gets two years in prison for insulting Islam and Muhammad on Facebook

  1. “…given that this is the climate today, what do you think the situation will be like in ten or twenty years?”

    I think it will be better. Things usually improve during reconstruction.

    You know, like postwar Japan.

  2. Only people with souls count. Most people don’t have a soul so you can’t even notch yer 6 six shooter after plugging one.

    Never met a muslim with a soul….or more than half a brain. Same with pro abortion folks.

  3. Another cathedral burns in Nantes, France. Missions on fire in California. Statues of the Virgin Mary are desecrated. Christians are persecuted in China. I don’t care about followers of the false prophet Muhammad.


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