Malaysian lawmaker: ‘This is important, we (men) need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law.’ – IOTW Report

Malaysian lawmaker: ‘This is important, we (men) need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law.’

Geller Report: Muslim proposes a Malaysian law protecting men from being seduced into committing rape, incest by women wearing immodest clothing. more here

16 Comments on Malaysian lawmaker: ‘This is important, we (men) need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law.’

  1. The men of Malaysia are admitting to the rest of the world that they are uncivilized and barbaric, and are deficient in impulse control, then.

    In order to protect American women, girls, and goats, I guess we need to make it against the law for Malay mohammadmen to enter the U.S. Tit, so to speak, for tat.

  2. I work with a Malaysian who just last week had to go to the Malaysian embassy to revoke his citizenship. He needed to do that in order to get the last of his assets out. Muzzlems destroy every place they get a foothold.

  3. Another take on “The Devil made me do it!”
    A legal position completely devoid of personal responsibility.

    That seems indicative of something … can’t figure out what, though …

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. All while real American men not only have excellent self-control, they historically have gone out of their way to protect women from predation. Protecting women is protecting our culture and our species. It’s part of good male genetics.

    Or as the old saying goes, “It’s okay to look, just don’t touch.”

  5. Look at the tradcons come out in force when someone somewhere is putting an ounce of expectation on “M’uh Lady!” What a joke. Could be why women in our culture have zero accountability and are wrecking our country, law by law. Not to mention tub by tub of H’aagen-Dazs.

  6. “Malaysian lawmaker: ‘This is important, we (men) need to be protected. The actions, clothing of women can seduce us into breaking the law.’”

    Since when am I responsible for men’s self control? I mean they don’t like being pussy whipped, so control yourself. What I choose to wear shouldn’t make you go bonkers because it’s you who is out of control.

  7. Avoiding, denying personal responsibility for wrong actions is as old as mankind. It’s the Adam-excuse. You know – Lord, It wasn’t me! I wouldn’t have eaten the fruit by my own choice. It was “that woman you gave” me that made me do it.

  8. I wonder what’s this Malaysian nutjob’s position is on clothing goats and sheep? Shouldn’t they, in his view, also be adorned in proper modest non-seductive clothing too?


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