Male Amazon Worker Delivers Brutal Lesson to Violent Carjacker for Allegedly Assaulting His Female Co-Worker and Trying to Steal Her Van in NYC (VIDEO).

Male Amazon Worker Delivers Brutal Lesson to Violent Carjacker for Allegedly Assaulting His Female Co-Worker and Trying to Steal Her Van in NYC (VIDEO).
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I get tired of the Gateway over selling shit all the time. BOOM! That Amazon driver had him on the run a let up on him. A big fing mistake in a street fight. On top of it all I think if the video played another 30 seconds it would have shown the bad guy driving away in the Amazon van.
I go here now days instead of the Gateway.
All Canadians so no worries on the prosecution front, none will happen. Interesting the sheboon stopped the buck from taking out the trash… I wonder why…
I hope we see more pushback against these thugs. At least this guy defended his coworker.
Being in NYC, the carjacker was probably released, but still. The male driver deserves a commendation.
NYC takes a dim view of citizens fighting back against criminal thugs. Watch them charge the Amazon driver with assault.
What, no tire iron in Amazon delivery vans?
Tony R…I’m with you on that, employment terminated in..3…2…1…
Which one was the bad guy?
Looks more like a domestic dispute.
At :28 – When the guy tries to climb into the car smash the door against his leg and either break it or severely bruise the calf muscle.
Tony R and DC beat me to it.
Excuse me while I beat this dead horse again, but why does the article say “…alleged perp suddenly assaults…?” The reason to say “alleged” is because the person has not been found guilty in a court of law. But then they say he “suddenly assaults” which totally negates the purposes of saying “alleged.” They are declaring that an assault definitely took place and that the “alleged” perp did it. It would have been more correct to say “…man who allegedly assaulted….” In that case they are only alleging that an assault tool place.
And the article does not name anybody so why say some anonymous person is “alleged?”
WOW! Thanks for the DEF.CON tip. I too have had it with Gateway Pundit.
All the thug had to do was put the van in gear and drive away. he should never have been allowed to get in the drivers seat. It almost looks like a setup.