Male employee accuses Black Rifle Coffee CEO Evan Hafer of “X-rated” sexual harassment – IOTW Report

Male employee accuses Black Rifle Coffee CEO Evan Hafer of “X-rated” sexual harassment

In a new twist, Canadian model Nicole Abour, who appeared in ads for the company, also made public harassment allegations against members of Black Rifle Coffee.

Revolver: Black Rifle Coffee is once again in the news for all the wrong reasons. This time, a former employee by the name of Brandon Roper is accusing Black Rifle founder and CEO Evan Hafer, of some very graphic and disturbing sexual harassment conduct

This probably won’t come as a surprise to anybody; as Black Rifle has been circling the drain for quite some time now.

About 10 months ago Revolver published a brilliant and explosive exposé on the so-called “conservative” coffee gurus. The piece, titled, “How Black Rifle Coffee Used Every Trick in the Book to Fool Conservatives,” artfully revealed how this cliché group of gun-totin’, bible-thumpin’, cop-lovin’ veterans were not very “conservative” after all.

In many ways, the imagery that Black Rifle indulges is actively harmful. Male-to-female transsexuals famously have a cartoonish, porn-influenced, stereotypical idea of what being a woman is like. That’s why drag queens have such a garish, over-the-top look. BRCC ads evoke the same idea, but for men. Their target demographic is, in a sense, male-to-male transsexuals. The ads reduce veterans from citizen soldiers to a pantomime of desperate masculinity, guys who need tattoos, whiskey, and twenty-seven different guns to feel like “real men.” BRCC ads are supposed to trigger “snowflake” liberals, but they’d be just as crass and ridiculous to a World War 2 veteran in 1946.

The Revolver piece revealed, among other things, how Black Rifle Coffee has more in common with the left than they do the right. BRCC trusts the New York Times, throw the word “racist” around willy-nilly, and tossed young Kyle Rittenhouse under the bus. MORE

17 Comments on Male employee accuses Black Rifle Coffee CEO Evan Hafer of “X-rated” sexual harassment

  1. Black Rifle Company went woke, I was hoping they’d go broke. Maybe this will send their business reeling again. So many got fooled by this company – just by its name alone people thought they were conservatives. Google: Black Rifle Coffee Distances Itself from Extremists, Including Some Who Loved Their Brand

    Never bought their coffee, and never will.

  2. Great. The ads are getting so bad that I now have a 6 inch wide spot on my screen to read articles. The rest of the screen is irritating pop up ads that re-appear 30 seconds after I click to remove them. Looks like I’m done here. AMF

  3. I don’t drink coffee, but if I did, I certainly wouldn’t buy it from these douchebags. For all their posturing and bullshit, they threw Kyle Rittenhouse under the bus without a moment’s hesitation.

  4. Never trusted them. They were Woke from the beginning. Aldi’s German Roasted coffee, mild or regular, at a fraction of the cost is excellent.. If you want flavors of coffee from different regions try Simpson and Vail Teas and Coffee

  5. Any inexpensive coffee ideas? Picked up a vintage french press a few weeks ago and tastes so much better than drip, in my opinion. I’m not a coffee snob, so cheap price is fine with me…as long as it tastes a little better than instant.

    Sadly, no Aldi’s for me, for at least 35 miles.

  6. @CJ — Are you a Costco member? Their house blend is better than average and quite cheap. Medium roast. Although they sell it ground, I use a percolator which takes a coarser grind, so I buy the whole beans (green bag) and grind it at the store after I check out. They have heavy duty mills with a suitably coarse setting, which is what you want for a French press. I found that the usual finely ground coffee in a press yields bad coffee.

  7. If you are going to mention Nicole Arbour in any thread, proper decorum demands a perfunctory image display. Here, I’ll do your work for you;

    ht tps://

    I don’t know anything about Evan Hafer, but I always thought Mat Best was a good dude and a patriot. He hasn’t done any in a while but his youtube videos are pretty good.

    This also highlights something I’ve brought up here a few times; many conservatives are like old biddies in a sewing circle with their un-compromising indignation flexed over any perceived slight. We all step on our dicks from time to time, all of us. But it seems that only on our side, any stumble at all will result in many under our tent knee-jerking into, “See, he/she was a lib all along, I never trusted him/her, their strand of conservatism was never as strong or as pure as mine, he/she must be banished for all time and never again allowed under our roof”.

    Very frustrating.

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