Male Norwegian politician raped by Muslim asylum seeker says he feels guilty that his attacker will now be deported – IOTW Report

Male Norwegian politician raped by Muslim asylum seeker says he feels guilty that his attacker will now be deported


A Norwegian politician has spoken of how how he felt guilty that the Somali asylum seeker who raped him was deported.

Karsten Nordal Hauken, from Ås, Akershus, was raped in his home and the perpetrator was subsequently caught and jailed for 4.5 years.

However, when Nordal Hauken found out that the man was to be deported back to Somalia after serving his time, he reveals he felt guilt that the man would possibly face hardship in his old country.

Nordal Hauken, who describes himself as a ‘young Socialist Left Party member, feminist and anti-racist’, was attacked in his own home.  more here

27 Comments on Male Norwegian politician raped by Muslim asylum seeker says he feels guilty that his attacker will now be deported

  1. Those weekend/holiday love trysts to Somalia are gonna chew into his Nordic pension, maybe his underwear too…..He might be in the mood for some 50 to one by next Christmas

  2. 65 years ago Stockholm was in Sweden. My Geography is clearly out of date.

    But for over 1,500 years Norway was either avail of Denmark or Sweden. so who knows. Stockholm syndrome by any other name ….

  3. This politician must be seriously messed up, not just mentally but spiritually. What kind of crazy does a person have to be to feel sorry for the deportation of the fuker who raped you???
    What in the world is wrong with Norway…

  4. Karsten liked it.
    Were is my Somalian friend.
    He just went out the back door. Bring him back.
    The land of the Vikings is no more.
    Sad. They are really screwed up over there,a real Viking would have killed him when he whipped out his dick.

  5. How messed up do you have to be?

    This guy is no different than that Mollie Tibbetts bitch. She promoted illegal immigration, among every other leftwing cause in the book, and she paid the ultimate price for it.

    That’s the way it should be. It’s too rare an instance where someone gets their just desserts rather than someone who had to suffer because at the hands of someone else’s virtue signaling.

    How often does the drunk driver survive but the innocent mother of three get killed? Too often.

    If we could limit all immigrant crime to the supporters of unfettered illegal immigration, the world would be a better place in short order.

  6. “Nordal Hauken, who describes himself as a ‘young Socialist Left Party member, feminist and anti-racist’, was attacked in his own home.”
    Everything you need to know, right there in one sentence.

    I’m guessing this pussy didn’t put up much of a fight when he got raped.

  7. Note to Self:

    If you ever create a new civilization in the next life, never let faggots or socialists get control of it. As groups, they seem plagued by self-destructiveness, self-loathing, degeneracy, and general dumbfuckedness.

  8. Nordal got done to him as he was doing to the nation as a politician and to his surprise found that he liked it. He must feel guilt and he subconsciously realizes that if the Somali should be deported for what he did that Nordal should be removed from office for what he is doing.

    But Nordal likes his priviledge so he mourns the Somali’s fate. Best thing all around would be for Nordal to die. With him his nation is getting buggarad blind and without him their odds of his nation coming out of this not needing a colostomy bag (metaphorically speaking) improve.

  9. “I felt like the Norwegian State had taken responsibility to carry out the ultimate revenge, like an angry father confronting it’s child’s attacker.”

    Says it all about the Euro Left mindset.

  10. It was not Rape Rape.
    It was non-consensual sex that ended up being exhilarating for the Norwegian politician. It worked out similarly to when the Government is there to help you…’ll get screwed and you better like it or they’ll send another bureaucrat to screw you again to reiterate their position.

  11. If this stupid politician doesn’t mind being raped himself by an emigrant it’s a sure thing he will have no empathy for any other Norwegian citizen raped or killed by other emigrants (aka invaders). Norwegians – wake up, before it becomes impossible to do so.

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