Male Student Gets $750K For Traumatic Sex Romps With Teacher In Her Car And Classroom – IOTW Report

Male Student Gets $750K For Traumatic Sex Romps With Teacher In Her Car And Classroom

DC: This week’s former high school English teacher who now owes a civil judgment of $750,000 for traumatizing a male teen student with eight sex romps in her car and in her classroom is Erin Sayar.

The sex trauma occurred in 2011. Sayar was a 35-year-old English teacher at New York City’s taxpayer-funded James Madison High School — “excellence in education since 1925” — when she seduced Kevin Eng, her then-16-year-old student, and inflicted the sex ordeal on him.

On Monday, at the end of a one-day bench trial, Judge Miriam Sunshine awarded Eng and his family $250,000 in punitive damages and $500,000 in compensatory damages for the eight sex romps, reports the New York Daily News.

Sayar, who was married at the time of the trysts but has since divorced, pleaded guilty to a raft criminal charges in 2012 for having sex with Eng eight times — and for giving him marijuana.

The original lawsuit filed by Eng and his family had sought a cool $10 million. The suit claimed “sexual assault,” “molestation” and “false imprisonment” because Eng, a 16-year-old high school student, had a bunch of sex with his thirtysomething English teacher, according to a contemporaneous New York Post story.

As part of the “sexual assault,” “molestation” and “false imprisonment,” Eng exchanged almost 4,000 texts with Sayar.

“I love you so much,” Eng reportedly told Sayar in a Facebook message at some point during the trauma. “I always loved you, since last year,” the then-teen student also said as he endured the sex ordeal, according to a contemporary Daily News account.

Eng’s girlfriend at the time was able to put a stop to the sex trauma by alerting school officials after she found Facebook messages between Eng and Sayar.


18 Comments on Male Student Gets $750K For Traumatic Sex Romps With Teacher In Her Car And Classroom

  1. The comments here I have to disagree with.
    Teen boys are nothing but raging hormones. This teacher took advantage. If it had been a male teacher and a female student (who also have their share of raging hormones)we would be saying the teacher got off lightly, and many of you might be talking about how you would further punish that teacher.
    The bottom line is that this is and was an abuse of power. Whether one benefits (Boys love sex) from that abuse, should be a moot point.


    ⚫ 10 years of probation
    ⚫ surrendered her teaching license
    ⚫ a Level 1 sex offender for 20 years
    ⚫ $750,000 fine

    For a “victim” that willingly engage in the sexual act….MANY TIMES! The kid wasn’t 8 years old! How is she going to ever work again? When she commits suicide, look for everyone to shrug their shoulders and look the other direction.

    🔰 RE: Guy who kicked teargas canister back towards police 🔰
    ⚫ 3 felonies.

    Lose your life, your rights, your freedom for kicking a can.

    What a bullshit arbitrary system of punishments we have. TOTAL TRASH.

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