Malheur Occupier Victoria Sharp Says LaVoy Finicum Had ‘Hands Up’ Before Police Opened Fire (AUDIO) – IOTW Report

Malheur Occupier Victoria Sharp Says LaVoy Finicum Had ‘Hands Up’ Before Police Opened Fire (AUDIO)

sharp malheur

“When we crashed, he got out of the car. He had his hands in the air and he’s like, ‘Just shoot me then. Just shoot me.’ And they did. They shot him dead. And then after he was down on the ground they shot him three more times. And then they bombarded our vehicle with bullets. … We were praying so hard. We were saying stop, please stop.”  [Continued @ AmericanPowerBlog]

10 Comments on Malheur Occupier Victoria Sharp Says LaVoy Finicum Had ‘Hands Up’ Before Police Opened Fire (AUDIO)

  1. And the video from the “stop”. If the feds / cops don’t provide video of what actually occurred, you know they murdered another American to protect their unconstitutional power.

  2. Malheur “Occupier” ??!!

    Why in the name of God is IOTWr repeating a term that equates what those patriots down in Oregon are doing to a bunch of hemped-up, screwed-up, people who wouldn’t last two days in an eastern Oregon winter?

    I find that utterly disgusting. Sorry, MJA, I do.

  3. I find this damn odd that any cop anywhere can’t as much as fart and some BLM nose-bag captures it on video. Something as egregious as this occurs and is perpetrated on US citizens doing what they consider their patriotic duty and thus far not one effing shred of video proof that it was carried out legally and with concern for life. Really? Move along people, nothing to see here. Just the Obama justice system at work bringing scofflaws down.
    Good thing the FBI had Oregon law enforcement playing ‘front man’.

  4. ” … out of harm’s way of the citizens here in the county.”

    “causing deadly harm to the citizens who oppose our police-state agenda.”

    This is, in their own words, an example of their “safest way possible” routine. Although NOT setting up the ambush would have actually been a much safer way. These people they call “activists” are not a threat to anybody but tyrants, traitors, and terrorists. The only ones who fear them are the same bastards that would march innocent citizens to the gulag for speaking up against their total-control agenda.

  5. Some ROE, huh?
    The details speak to the technology these yahoos used to shoot things up. Laser sights (throw the red dot (on rifles?), the angles of fire were wrong (nobody on the floor was hit), sitting in trees, (poor training), the type of blockade (poor tactics), and the need to shoot the shit out of everything ( frustration) and killing Finicum (make an example of him, cut the head off the snake).
    What with all the dots THIS WAS AN EXECUTION similar to the Utah firing squads where they give everybody a round but only one dude has the real bullet. The technology, tactics, and strategy of this seems wrong, but I suppose you have to remember these are the same people who trafficked guns to Mehico.
    A real OP would look different – but I’m not ex-mil.
    And the fucking lesbo Governor calling them “lawless”? What important laws were they breaking? I would have said, hey folks, knock your selves out, its a visitor center. When you get cold enough you’ll go home, but we can talk about this.

  6. If I remember correctly, it is a BFD for entry teams to not mix up their dots. And the rounds not penetrating vehicles entirely? Had to be shit .223 rounds. It looks like a Barney Fife hit, I want to see the autopsy and the car. And I want the name of the shooter. He and Lon Horiuchi have some things in common.

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