Man Accidentally Records Himself Admitting He Murdered A Lawyer – IOTW Report

Man Accidentally Records Himself Admitting He Murdered A Lawyer

KFI: David Jungerman thought he had gotten away with murder but inadvertently incriminated himself for the crime. According to Fox News, Jungerman was originally cleared as a suspect in the murder of Kansas City attorney Tom Pickert. Pickert’s body was found on Jungerman’s front porch and the lawyer had recently won a $5.75 million lawsuit against Jungerman for a previous incident in which the 80-year-old opened fire on Pickert and a group of three other men in 2012.

Jungerman walked out of a hearing a few weeks after the murder thinking he was a free man who managed to get away with murder. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to turn off a recording device he was using in court.   read more

11 Comments on Man Accidentally Records Himself Admitting He Murdered A Lawyer

  1. Why was the lawyer stupid enough to be on this guys front porch in the first place? After fleecing him of his life savings did he think he’d be invited in for coffee?

  2. OK … what’s wrong with killing a lawyer?
    I don’t get it.

    I’m with organgrinder; don’t see how there’s any “murder” involved – same as flushing a toilet – can’t be charged with “murder” for flushing a turd.

    izlamo delenda est …


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