Man accused of hiding a deuce in his pants at a casino – IOTW Report

Man accused of hiding a deuce in his pants at a casino

KFI: A man from Danville, KY says he was kicked out JACK Casino in Cincinnati after being accused of pooping his pants.

A casino spokesperson said three customers saw the man, who wants to be known as “Tyler,” throwing out his underwear. They also complained that he smelled.  MORE


22 Comments on Man accused of hiding a deuce in his pants at a casino

  1. How do you hide a deuce in your pants? You’d think the smell alone would be a dead give away. Either that or the guy just has really bad gas. If it were a library or other public building some court somewhere would he say he has a right to soil himself and stink real bad and that there’s nothing you can do about it.

  2. I took my 16 week old and 22lb lab to the vet the other day. Our normal vet, he’s 40 miles away. I used the old Jeep, put the seats down, it’s a rolling dog kennel.

    She threw up twice and after an extended frolic in the grass she dropped a deuce. I had exactly 3 McDonald’s napkins and when she shits, she makes circles. Puke and shit everywhere!

    Best part though, my kid wanted to go get his driver’s license that afternoon. Okay buddy, but you got a problem that needs fixing with the Jeep.

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