Man apologizes for voting for Biden – IOTW Report

15 Comments on Man apologizes for voting for Biden

  1. I give the man credit, he admits his wrong. I’ve heard a couple of libtards at work, from time to time, whispering how they can’t believe how we took a turn for the worst, gas prices suck, economy is sinking, etc. I love to chime in and say you reap what you sow. However, they will never admit they made the wrong decision. They still stand behind the tard because “orange man bad” and things can always get better. Yeah, keep believing that.

  2. So if Trump supporters were/are “Low IQ”

    What be Dis muddafukka?
    He can go Fuck himself!

    He reminds me of every person in Toronto (Home of Dominion) who didn’t vote for Turdeau but bitched about Harper.

  3. Jackass trump lost because real American’s kicked his no-good keister out the f’n door. Loud mouthed mother f’n loser will NEVER EVER hold a god damn office for anything ever again. Criminal is goin to prison you loser cult idiots. Drink your kool-aid you f’n cry-babies or better yet please just leave the country all you want to do is destroy our great country, assholes. GOP is nothing but bunch of jerkoff excuse for human beings. Go to hell the all of you.

  4. Apology not accepted. You and the other emoters got all emotional about ‘Orange Man bad.’ You (and the cheaters) put the effen progressives in charge. Start using your brain. You got played by white liberals, you dumbass. I’d be more likely to believe this epiphany isn’t just another emotional outburst if you told us you’ve changed your party affiliation and would never vote for the Democraps again.

  5. @ Bradley
    So you were the guy in Slow Joe’s three car parade?
    Or was it the 10 person rally?
    80 million votes, ok tell yourself whatever you want. They cheated the whole way and that makes him illegitimate.
    BTW Trump’s well be back and that’s a fact you will see.


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