Man Arrested After Attempting to Rape Woman Inside Busy Walmart Store in Miami – IOTW Report

Man Arrested After Attempting to Rape Woman Inside Busy Walmart Store in Miami

h/t Brad

Gateway Pundit:

Miami, Florida – Bredan Jarmal Harvey, 28, was arrested on Sunday after he attempted to sexually attack a woman shopping inside the Walmart at 3200 Northwest 79th Street.

The incident happened right inside the busy Walmart store in Miami about 9:30 pm on Sunday.

“Bredan Jarmal Harvey came up behind her, pulled up her dress and grabbed her butt. When she turned around, he pushed her to the ground. The woman screamed for help as he “ripped off her underwear while grabbing her thighs and vagina,” Miami Herald reported.

A video was captured after Harvey attempted to sexually attack a woman. The video showed shoppers rushing in to help the woman and intervened to stop the attack. more

20 Comments on Man Arrested After Attempting to Rape Woman Inside Busy Walmart Store in Miami

  1. These amish are getting very aggressive lately.
    Oh wait.
    Maybe not amish. Must be a Mennonite.
    Not that? OK. A white supremacist.

    Oh crap. Who could the perp be?

  2. This story restored my faith in humanity. Especially the big ass black guy that wanted to drop the hammer on young blood wanna be rapist but the midget Hispanic guy kept getting in his way. He finally thumped him. My faith in humanity only lasted until the next mouse click.

  3. I know, I’m surprised people intervened. If it been a couple of crazy sheboons tussling on the floor they would have let them go. Join in even! But the perp here is just a nasty little bitch.

  4. “This isn’t Harvey’s first run-in with the law; previous arrests range from disorderly conduct and resisting arrest to grand theft and armed robbery. Harvey was out on bond for a felony arrest when the attempted assault occurred, …”

    Why was this beast walking around in Walmart?
    Somebody should give him “judge” Jackson’s address and set him loose.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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