Man Arrested After Stealing $600 From Old Lady’s Bra – IOTW Report

Man Arrested After Stealing $600 From Old Lady’s Bra

DailyCaller – A man robbed a 93-year-old East Harlem woman Wednesday by swiping $600 she kept in her bra for safe-keeping.

Wheelchair-bound Maria Vasquez had just cashed her $600 Social Security when she was robbed at a clothing store, reports NBC New York. Vazquez alleged that the man scratched her as he took the cash out of her bra.

“They’re stealing my money! They’re stealing my money!” she reportedly yelled.

Vasquez claimed she saw him watching her and her health aide worker at the bank when they cashed her check. She alleged that he followed them into the clothing store.

Vasquez told NBC New York the money was for food, rent, water and electricity.

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