Man badly burned after falling into Yellowstone hot spring – IOTW Report

Man badly burned after falling into Yellowstone hot spring


A 21-year-old North Carolina man suffered severe burns after falling into a hot spring Tuesday in Yellowstone National Park, officials said.

The National Park Service said Wednesday in a news release the incident occurred in the Lower Geyser Basin off Fountain Flat Drive, just north of the Old Faithful area.

Park officials said Gervais Dylan Gatete of Raleigh, an employee of park concessionaire Xanterra Parks and Resorts, was with seven other people when he fell into a spring.

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17 Comments on Man badly burned after falling into Yellowstone hot spring

  1. Bet he was off trail too. There are signs EVERYWHERE telling you that it’s dangerous to walk off trail because the crust is fragile and could break through to boiling temperatures.
    The trails get you pretty close to the action… no need to be stupid.

    It’s getting to peak Bear season there too.. .so i’m sure they’ll be a story or two coming.

  2. Happens every year now. Either people are getting stupider or the precious snowflakes don’t think the rules apply to them. We live near Crater Lake NP. Every year some dumb ass city boy falls (or drives) over the rim (1000 ft) and gets busted up. Just a matter of time before someone sues and they will have to put a fence around the whole thing.

  3. “It’s getting to peak Bear season there too”

    The only grizzly I’ve ever seen in the wild was just outside Yellowstone, west side, ten years ago this month. Big ass bear. Big.

  4. Young seasonal employees at Yellowstone seem to do this on a fairly regular basis. Its a deadly mix of raging hormones, a sense of entitlement, omniscience and invincibility, and often alcohol and/or drugs. Stupidity grows exponentially when they are in groups.

  5. nah, all of y’all got it wrong. It was longhaired filthy hippy who finally decided to take a bath to get rid of the eyewatering stench brought on by Liberalism.

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