Man buys car after taking $150,000 left by ATM workers – IOTW Report

Man buys car after taking $150,000 left by ATM workers


Yahoo- MAHWAH, N.J. (AP) — One of two men suspected of making off with a bag containing $150,000 in cash that was mistakenly left behind by ATM workers bought an SUV with the money hours later, police said.


15 Comments on Man buys car after taking $150,000 left by ATM workers

  1. Fucking nubians are dumber then dirt-shessh if you’re going to be a dishonest, low life POS, give it some thought.

    They really are on the ends of the IQ bell curve. Not to say they’ve got it all to themselves but fuck dude, this is stupid writ large.

  2. Exactly but typical; of the breed of scum. No brains whatsoever. Should have moved out of the area completely but that would involve some thought in which these morons can never achieve without the use of a brain. Yes, there I said it, no brains

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